Newborn Portraits with Blush Pink for Second Daughter

There’s nothing quite as special as watching one of my families grow. I photographed this sweet family and their first baby, Giuliana, in the studio when she was born. Now, Giuliana is a big sister to Gabriella. She and her family came back to my Saratoga Springs studio to capture newborn portraits for their second baby girl. It was so wonderful to see everyone again and celebrate their newest member! 

Throughout the session, we created a few nods back to Giuliana’s newborn portraits, include the portrait with her pink blanket and mom’s bracelet. It was really fun to create these images knowing that there was another set of them at home for Giuliana! Gabby was such a sweetheart for me throughout her whole session, too. She was happy to curl up and let her family snuggle her. 

Giuliana was AMAZING during her sister’s newborn session. She wanted to be involved in everything, and she kept coming close to me to “take pictures” with her wooden camera, check on her baby, and tuck her in with the blankets. Truly the sweetest! I am just so blessed that this is my job - and capturing those sweet moments is work for me. 

I can’t wait to see Gabby back in the studio in a few months for her milestone session! She’s going to be so big!! 

big sister in pink dress pushes baby in wooden stroller during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with Nicole Starr Photography
big sister in pink dress sits by sister wrapped in cream blanket with pink floral headband during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with Nicole Starr Photography
big sister in pink dress sits by sister wrapped in cream blanket with pink floral headband during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with Nicole Starr Photography
husband hugs wife in peach gown holding newborn baby girl during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY
husband holding toddler daughter in pink dress hugs wife in peach gown holding newborn baby girl during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY
mom holds  toddler daughter and newborn baby girl during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with Nicole Starr Photography
mom holds  toddler daughter and newborn baby girl during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with Nicole Starr Photography
mother in pink gown holds newborn baby girl against cheek in Saratoga Springs NY studio
dad in white button down shirt holds new daughter in cream wrap with pink headband during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY
dad in white button down shirt holds new daughter in cream wrap with pink headband during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY
toddler girl in pink gown holds sister in cream wrap on sofa during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY
toddler girl in pink gown sits on dad’s lap while mom holds baby sister in cream wrap on sofa during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY
dad in white button up shirt olds two daughters during studio newborn session in Saratoga Springs NY
baby girl lays in white wrap with lavender flower headband during Saratoga Springs NY studio newborn portraits with Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl lays in white wrap with lavender flower headband during Saratoga Springs NY studio newborn portraits with Nicole Starr Photographybaby girl lays in white wrap with lavender flower headband during Saratoga Springs NY studio newborn portraits
baby girl yawns in white blanket wrap next to onesie that says “Handpicked for earth by my grandpa in heaven” during Saratoga Springs NY studio newborn portraits with Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in white blanket clasps hands together wearing white bow headband during Saratoga Springs newborn session in studio
baby girl lays in white wrap on namesake pink blanket during newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl lays in peach wrap on chunky white blanket on wooden bed with peonies around it photographed by Saratoga Springs NSY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
big sister sits with new baby sister in Moses basket in custom monogramed outfits photographed by Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Newborn portraits with blush pink accents for second daughter photographed by Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Welcome, Ivy Joy: Newborn Portraits at Four Weeks Old

Welcome to the world, Ivy Joy! It’s so special getting to meet babies after I’ve photographed their mom’s maternity portraits, like Ivy Joy. I photographed her mama’s maternity session this summer while they were anxiously waiting for her arrival. I loved getting to know Heather and Lee better during their maternity session, and I love that we pulled elements of the colors Heather wore into Ivy Joy’s newborn portraits, too. I’m all about creating cohesive images that will pair well together in your albums or on your walls!

For Ivy Joy’s session, she came to my Saratoga Springs studio. She was 4 weeks old, but so sweet and mellow. While she was awake, she had the best eye contact - and that’s one of my favorite things about older newborns. They’re always so sweet!! Ivy Joy was easy to pose and I loved capturing some of her new expressions. Photographing older newborns can come with it’s challenges, but I also love the ways you can capture their personality because they’re a bit bigger now.

Heather and Lee requested the sage green and mustard yellow in her setups - which was a great way to tie into Heather’s maternity portraits. I’m also obsessed with the dark navy setup with the stars. Ivy Joy looked so sweet on it! Come take a look at some of my favorite moments from their beautiful studio session.

new parents pose with daughter during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad holds daughter by window during studio newborn portraits smiling at her photographed by Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
new parents smile down at baby girl during newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with Nicole Starr Photography
mom in white linen gown holds baby girl in white wrap during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
new parents look down at daughter during studio newborn session with Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs newborn photographer
mom holds daughter in white wrap during studio newborn session with Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs newborn photographer
dad snuggles with newborn daughter in Saratoga Springs photo studio with Nicole Starr Photography
new parents snuggle with daughter on sofa during Saratoga Springs newborn portraits in studio with Nicole Starr Photography
new parents snuggle with daughter on sofa during Saratoga Springs newborn portraits in studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl sleeps in white wrap on sage green blanket with flower headband photographed by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
older newborn lays in white wrap on mustard knit blanket photographed by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl smiles in white wrap with white floral headband on blue chunky knit blanket with blue and gold star backdrop photographed by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl sleeps in pink knit blanket during studio newborn portraits with Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer
baby girl sleeps on lace and pale pink blanket during newborn photos in studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby sleeps in white lace wrap with succulent inspired headband on sage blanket photographed by Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on backdrop with ivy photographed by Nicole Starr Photography, NY newborn photographer

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newborn portraits with sage and mustard setups for baby girl photographed by studio newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Why Most Newborn Portraits are of Sleeping Babies

Have you ever wondered why most newborn portraits are of sleeping babies? It's not just because photographers are pros at getting babies to sleep. There's actually a whole science and reasoning behind it!

baby sleeps curled up during newborn session at home in crib photographed by Nicole Starr Photography, lifestyle newborn photographer

When they babies are sleepy, they are:

-more relaxed

-easier to pose

-safer to pose

Sleeping babies make our job easier and safer. As you know, a baby’s safety is always my priority in the studio or at home, so any time we can allow baby to sleep during our portraits, everyone feels a bit better! (Of course, it’s okay if your little one doesn’t sleep, too!!).

big brother holds baby in fluffy white blanket during newborn portraits at the studio photographed by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Newborn babies tend to sleep more than they’re awake.

All babies are different, but most newborn babies are asleep more than they are awake -- even though sometimes it doesn't seem that way to new parents! Most often in those first few weeks, the only times they are awake are when they are eating or getting changed, and it's rare to have many moments when they are awake and relaxed at the same time. This means that in order to find those moments of peace for our session, we want baby will be asleep and therefore relaxed during our session!

baby sleeping curled up in wrap during newborn portraits in studio with Nicole Starr Photography, NY newborn photographer

Some poses just aren’t safe to do if baby isn’t sleeping.

The first priority in every newborn session is the baby's safety, and some poses are just not safe to do with a newborn while they are awake. For example, tummy poses are not safe for an awake baby because they can kick their legs and wiggle off the posing bed or prop. In other poses, the babies have their heads carefully balanced on their arms or hands, and even though this is done in a very safe manner to distribute their weight evenly and keep their bodies balanced, an awake baby is too wiggly to attempt this safely.

baby sleeps holding bunny lovey during newborn portraits in studio with NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

We work to create a relaxing atmosphere for your baby!

Since we want your baby to sleep (so they’re relaxed and even safer), newborn photographers work hard to get babies to relax during their session. That is why we crank up the heat in the studio, swaddle and rock the babies, use white noise, and use gentle repetitive motions such as patting and stroking to soothe them. Our goal is to get babies as relaxed as possible so that they will fall asleep and be easy and safe to pose for their portraits. Plus we are able to capture the most variety in images and poses while they are sleeping, too!

new parents hold baby girl on chest during portraits in studio with Nicole Starr Photography, NY newborn photographer

But what happens when a baby just won't sleep?

Honestly, this happens fairly often, so if your baby is one of those ones that just won't settle, don't stress! Usually it's a digestive issue. Some babies have upset tummies and they're trying to work out some gas or a BM. Others are affected by caffeine in breastmilk, or maybe a new formula just doesn't sit well in their tummies. Some had a stellar night's sleep last night and they're just not tired right now (but you know the second you leave they're going to drift off to dreamland!).

baby girl sleeps on bed during newborn portraits in studio with NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Newborn portraits are about photographing your baby!

No matter what happens (or doesn’t), we'll figure it out and work around it to capture beautiful portraits while you're in the studio. Typically newborn sessions last 2-3 hours, and most babies would struggle to stay awake for such a long period of time in those early weeks. We keep their tummies full and use all of the tricks to help them relax and stay happy. While they're awake, we swaddle them up and capture those big bright eyes and funny little expressions. I looooove photographing awake babies because they are so expressive, and those wide-eyed shots always make it onto the front of their birth announcement cards. Eventually they all fall asleep and they give in to the heat and the white noise, but some babies just take a little longer than others.

baby girl sleeps curled up in white wrap on pink blanket during newborn portraits in studio with Nicole Starr Photography, New York newborn photographer

When should you schedule newborn portraits?

For the traditional posed newborn session, we usually schedule those for between 7-15 days old. The ideal time to reserve your newborn session is before the baby is born to ensure a spot on the calendar. After the two week mark babies are often much more alert and wiggly.

I love photographing older newborns, too, but the type of images we create in those sessions is more about interactions and expressions while they are relaxed and awake. Older newborn sessions are less posed and they are usually done with babies 4-8 weeks old.

Ready to get your session on the calendar?

baby girl lays on white backdrop during newborn portraits in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy sleeps in blue blanket during newborn portraits in studio photographed by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Why most newborn portraits are of sleeping babies: Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography shares the reasoning behind sleeping baby photos

The Best Age for Newborn Portraits

As new parents begin to plan for their newborn portraits, one of the questions I’m most often asked is when they should book their newborn session. Today, I wanted to talk about how old your baby should be for our portraits, why I always say “yes” to older babies, and when in your pregnancy we should book your session to make sure you’re on the calendar.

What age is best for newborn portraits?

Most of my newborns are photographed in the first 2-3 weeks of their life. I prefer to wait until they are at least 7 days old to schedule their portrait session. By then their tummies are bigger and they can hold more milk, which means they are more easily settled for longer periods of time (and easier to pose!). This also gives parents a little time to adjust to their new (sleepless) routine and feel a tiny bit less like zombies by the time they get to the studio.

baby sleeps in white wrap on white chunky blanket during newborn portraits with Nicole Starr Photography, NY newborn photographer
baby girl sleeps on floral wrap with pink flowers photographed by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby holds grey teddy during newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Older Newborn Portraits

Unlike other photographers, I'll never turn away an "older newborn," and I actually love working with babies in the studio that are 3, 4, 5+ weeks old. I've even captured newborn portraits for babies that are 2.5 and 3 months old, still swaddling them up and capturing those sweet baby details from the early stages of their life. Older newborns may not settle as easily into certain poses as they become less flexible and their bones start to harden, but we can still safely wrap and pose them for their portrait session.

older newborn twins lay on bellies in white onesies during newborn portraits Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography discusses the best age for newborn portraits - including when to bring older newborn babies
newborn twins lay in white wraps during studio newborn session with NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl lays in white wrap with hand under her chin during older newborn session with Nicole Starr Photography

When should you book your newborn portraits?

The most important thing is to reserve your newborn session IN THE SECOND TRIMESTER to ensure that your photographer has room on their schedule for your family. I mark each family's due date and save a certain amount of flexibility in the weeks surrounding the due date so that we can schedule the session once the baby arrives. I take on a limited number of newborn clients each month to give each family the attention and flexibility they deserve with their little one's arrival.

baby boy wrapped in white blanket curls up during newborn session with Nicole Starr Photography, NY newborn photographer
baby curls up in blue blanket during newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sleeps in white wrap on red and gold sari during newborn session with NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography discusses the best time for newborn portraits and when to book them during your pregnancy.

Studio Newborn portraits with our new Moses basket prop

This fall, I welcomed sweet baby Mitzi and her big brother Ezra to the studio for her newborn session. We planned a classic and simple session for Mitzi that featured our newest prop in the studio: a Moses basket! It wound up being the perfect prop to use in their session because Ezra was all about being around his baby sister. She was able to lay quietly in her basket while he smiled and loved on her. It was absolutely adorable how into her he was! You never know how big siblings will be feeling the day of your session, but Ezra was definitely a cutie!

I’m so excited to offer this brand new prop in the studio. It’s just great for sibling portraits and I can’t wait to use it for family, newborn, and milestone sessions soon. Having access to these fun props is definitely one perk of having a studio newborn session. Our client wardrobes are another great perk. Samantha chose a few sweet floral headbands for Mitzi to wear during her portraits too, and I think everything came together so beautifully for this baby girl!

Wondering if a studio or lifestyle session is best for you and your new baby? Use the button below to read up on what makes newborn sessions in the studio unique! And then keep scrolling to see Mitzi’s precious newborn portraits!!

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Classic Newborn Portraits with Shades of Blue

I love it when families come back to my studio with their second babies for their newborn sessions, and I truly love watching their families grow. From bringing their first baby home to watching that little one become a big brother or sister, it really is such an honor to be invited into their lives to document these moments for them.

This sweet family joined me at our Saratoga Springs portrait studio with Baby Colton to capture his newborn portraits. We captured a variety of family portraits to complement their photos from daughter Elliana’s newborn session two years ago, and I love the variety and the joy that their toddler brings to these family portraits. Just look at her adorable little grin and how proud she is to be a big sister in these images!

Wondering what to expect during your newborn session? I’m here to walk you through every step of the way and make it an easy & enjoyable experience for you and your family. Check out the blog post below to learn what to expect!

mom holds new baby boy during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad in blue shirt holds son in white studio during newborn photos with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
family of four poses inn white studio with new baby boy during classic newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents pose with two children during newborn photos in studio with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad holds new baby boy and daughter during newborn photos with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom sits on wooden stool with two children during newborn photos with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn sleeps in dad’s arms during photos with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
big sister sits next to baby brother in white wrap during newborn photos with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sleeps on white chunky blanket with blue wrap during classic newborn photos with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

We used classic blues and grays for Colton’s individual portraits, and this sleepy boy was such a gem. He even wore one of our new one-piece rompers, and I love how it turned out.

baby sleeps on blue blanket during newborn photos with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sleeps on grey blanket during newborn photos with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby smiles in his sleep during newborn photos with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sleeps on blue blanket during newborn photos with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sleeps on blue blanket during classic newborn photos with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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classic newborn portraits with shades of blue photographed by Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Ethaniel's Newborn Session & Family Portraits | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer

I love starting our newborn sessions with the baby dressed in a white onesie, fresh out of the carseat and laying on a white blanket.

Many babies are awake at the start of their session, and we capture such amazing expressions & eye contact! I absolutely loved how alert Ethaniel was when we began his newborn portrait session. This little cutie made so many adorable faces, and it’s hard to choose a favorite!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…

All of our newborn sessions include family portraits, and I love watching mom and dad snuggle up with their baby. The babies always look so tiny in their arms, and these portraits are perfect to look back on and remember just how small your little one started out, and just how perfectly they fit in your arms.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…

Sometimes Grandma & Grandpa join for a few quick portraits, and I always love watching them so in love with their new grandchild! Plus, we make it a point to capture a three-generation portrait when they’re there, too!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…

Sweet little Ethaniel slept soundly for his individual portraits, and we captured so many cozy moments for his family. I love all of the soft colors and layers, and the texture of the basket, too!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…

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Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, outfits…

About Nicole Starr Photography 

Nicole Starr specializes in newborn, baby & family photography and has been serving families in New York and Massachusetts since 2012.  She has a portrait studio in Saratoga Springs, NY for families in the Capital Region.  Nicole also works with families year round at her Attleboro, MA portrait studio, and on location May through October in Boston and on Cape Cod.  Nicole has a clean and classic style, and the studio is filled with neutrals and luxe fabrics.  We use very minimal props to keep the focus on your perfect little baby.  Our sessions are relaxed and fun, and we’ll enjoy an hour together (or up to 3 hours for a newborn session!) laughing, cuddling, and capturing authentic smiles and belly laughs with your little ones.  

A Rainbow Baby Newborn Session with Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer

A rainbow baby is a baby born after a loss. It is the rainbow after a storm.

Photographing this newborn session was extra special because we were able to celebrate Baby David, and also honor his big sister Leila who was no longer with us in his portraits.

Big brother Wesley and big sister Julia were all too happy to cuddle their sweet baby brother and love on him. This sibling portrait was literally taken within seconds of turning on my camera for their session, and it’s my favorite sibling portrait ever! These two cuties ADORE their baby brother, and it really shows. I’m so happy his family is going to enjoy these portraits on their walls forever to remember this special time when they brought their baby home!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…

Such a sleepy little boy!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…

These are our RAINBOW BABY portraits. Clean, classic, and simple. The perfect way to honor Big Sister Leila.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…

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Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Newborn Photographer | Boston Newborn Photographer | Upstate NY Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photographer | Delmar NY Newborn Photographer | Loudonville NY Newborn Photographer | client wardrobe, what to…

About Nicole Starr Photography 

Nicole Starr specializes in newborn, baby & family photography and has been serving families in New York and Massachusetts since 2012.  She has a portrait studio in Saratoga Springs, NY for families in the Capital Region, and she also works with families at her Attleboro, MA studio and on location in Boston and on Cape Cod. 

The portrait studio is filled with neutrals, luxe fabrics, and very minimal props to keep the focus on your perfect little baby.  Our sessions are relaxed and fun, and we’ll enjoy an hour together (or up to 3 hours for a newborn session!) laughing, cuddling, and capturing authentic smiles and belly laughs with your little ones.  

A Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn Session: Camilla Appel

Sometimes families like to enjoy a few quiet moments alone as they welcome their baby to the world.  We close the door for a little while.  The new parents cuddle up with that sweet little baby, and it's just the three of them in their own little blissful world. 

fresh 48 session with saratoga springs newborn photographer

Other times, families like to invite their loved ones in to the hospital to meet their newborn baby during their Fresh 48 photo session.  Grandma and Grandpa come in bearing gifts, more grandparents fly in from out of state and come from the airport straight to the hospital, and the new mom's sister is a proud new aunt, beaming at the sight of her first niece.  Hugs are shared, happy tears are shed, and the baby is passed around while whispers of "Ohhhh, she's perfect!" float through the hospital room.

saratoga springs newborn photographer
hospital newborn photographer
new york newborn photographer

Less than 24 hours old, Camilla was passed from one pair of loving arms to another, soaking up the smiles and adoration as two families came together to meet their granddaughter and niece.  

This one right here?  It's one of my favorite photos from Camilla's session.  Three generations of incredible women, a beautiful moment contained in a small rectangle of space.  The way that the mother (a brand new grandmother!) is looking right at the camera with her girls all around her is so beautiful.  She did that.  Because of her, they are all in this world to light up HER world.  It's a true example of surrounding yourself with the people that you love.  THESE are the stories that photographers love to tell through their cameras!

three generations newborn portrait
newborn photo with hands and three generations

Fresh 48s have become my absolute favorite type of session this year, and it's easy to see why.  Going through the images from Amelia & Michael's hospital newborn session truly transports you to that June day in their hospital room, making you feel like you were right there celebrating with them as they welcomed their daughter to the world.  There is so much emotion woven into such a beautiful story, and capturing these moments during such an intimate time in a family's life is always an honor.

Happy Birth Day, baby girl!  You are already so, so loved.  

Have you been dreaming of your little one's arrival?  A hospital newborn session is the perfect way to document their arrival and celebrate the newest addition to your family.  Contact me and let's chat about how this type of relaxed, lifestyle newborn session may be a good fit for your family!

newborn birthday

A special thank you to Jamie of Koss Photography for her assistance with this session.