Baby Starr: Adelaide's First Birthday Cake Smash with Giant Floral ONE Letters

Our sweet girl is officially ONE, and it’s hard to believe that we’ve had her in our lives for a whole year now. Time truly did fly by at warp speed, and I feel like we just brought her home from the hospital and our son was cuddling her on the couch and saying in his tiny little voice, “Hi, Adelaide. Hi, honey. I love you!”

For Adelaide’s first birthday portraits, I wanted to do a classic floral cake smash with a twist. I purchased these 3-foot tall 3D metal letters and filled them with greenery, blush, and peach florals, with a few pops of anemones. I absolutely love how it turned out (and I can’t wait to use these letters in so many more cake smashes — check out another one here with BALLOONS inside the letters!).

This backdrop was truly a labor of love. The letters were handmade by an artisan in the Ukraine, and shipping took a few extra weeks to arrive. I needed a truly ridiculous amount of garlands to fill them with, and then I had so much fun adjusting the peach and white peonies, pink hydrangeas, white roses, and anemones to get them **just right** in the final setup.

It was all worth it, and our girl LOVED her cake smash!

Big brother Grayson wanted to help me in the studio. He has always loved being a part of sessions, and this one was no exception because it involved his baby sister and CAKE. He brings out the biggest smiles in her, and some of my very favorite portraits from this session are the ones where she is grinning and laughing at her big brother just over my shoulder.

Floral cake smash with blush pink and greenery garlands in giant marquee letters with Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs cake smash baby photographer

I was sooooo happy when she leaned into her cake to take a big bite out of it! And I just adore those itty bitty fingers holding on to the frosting on the side of the cake.

Just look at how Grayson is making Adelaide smile in the one below! I love the bond that these two are developing.

Of course, baby girl absolutely loved her bathtub splash at the end. She didn’t want to get out of the tub when it was over! We had so much fun doing this session, and I can’t wait to frame a few portraits and add them to an album for our ONE YEAR OLD daughter!

Timeless Milestone Portraits in our Saratoga Springs Studio

‌I’ve been photographing this family since before Carter was even born, and they are just the sweetest! Their son Bennett was born on the exact same day as my baby girl, and now we have an extra special connection with our littlest ones. I loved welcoming them into the studio for his milestone portraits, and we captured so many happy portraits of this smiley baby boy. 

Big brother Carter was incredibly interested in the session, and he asked to have his turn in front of the camera again and again, so we were able to capture plenty of individual portraits showing his spunky personality, too! I’m all about making sure your little ones feel included - and if it means a few extra portraits for mom and dad, even better! 

For Bennett’s setup, we chose to use the white studio floor, the bed, and some fun chunky blankets. I just LOVE how they photograph. They’re a great pop of color against all of the neutrals for your baby. Mom and dad also chose some super sweet outfits for Bennett - including the sweet grey sweater he wore at the end. He looked so grown up!! 

I hope that these portraits are well-loved in their home as both boys grow!

big brother in plaid shirt holds little brother in white onesie during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
big brother in plaid shirt sits on wooden stool during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
big brother in plaid shirt poses with muscles flexed during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on stomach on white chunky blanket in white onesie during  milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on white blanket in white onesie during  milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on stomach on white chunky blanket in white onesie during  milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
toddler sits on wooden stool during milestone photos with Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs family photographer
baby sits in blue onesie on wooden bed during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits in blue onesie on wooden bed during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby crawls on white studio floor under white blanket for milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
big brother in plaid shirt lays on white floor in studio
baby crawls sits on blue chunky blanket under white tent for milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits on blue chunky blanket during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits in wooden bowl in black suspenders during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits in wooden bowl on grey chunky blanket in black suspenders during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on grey chunky blanket in black suspenders during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on grey chunky blanket in black suspenders during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits on white sheets in grey onesie during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits on tan chair in grey sweater onesie during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
big brother holds baby sitting on tan chair in grey sweater onesie during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography

Save this post for later!

Family portraits at Empire Plaza in Albany

When your baby turns one, it’s definitely time for updated family portraits - and that’s exactly what Luke’s family planned! Luke recently turned one and he and his parents celebrated with family portraits at the same spot his parents were married at a few years earlier: Empire Plaza in Albany, NY. It was a beautiful spot for their portraits! We had a gorgeous sunset the day of their session that worked in our favor. The sunset gave us beautiful light, and the light color of the building reflected so much of it back on these three. It made my job so easy!

Luke started walking just a few weeks before our session and he was so excited to be showing off all over the New York State museum grounds. I can’t believe how big he his now - I still picture him as that little baby in his newborn portraits a year ago!! He’s such a fun handful now and I know his parents are excited to be watching him grow and change.

I love that the Underwood family wanted their portraits at the place they were married - it’s such a special way to see how your family changes over time, and honor a place that means a lot to you. I’m always open to sentimental locations for your portraits, especially if they’re as beautiful as this spot in Albany!

family of three walks through Empire Plaza in Albany NY during family photos with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler walks around in white button up and khaki pants during family portraits at Empire Plaza in Albany NY with Nicole Starr Photography
toddler sits in white button up and khaki pants during family portraits at Empire Plaza in Albany NY with Nicole Starr Photography
mom and toddler play together at Empire Plaza during Albany family portraits with Nicole Starr Photography
dad lifts up toddler son during family photos in Albany NY at the New York State Museum with Nicole Starr Photography
toddler crawls around New York State museum in Albany New York with family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents sit on steps at Empire Plaza with one year old during family photos in Albany NY with Nicole Starr Photography
toddler climbs steps at Empire Plaza in white button up shirt and khaki pants in New York with Nicole Starr Photography
mom holds toddler son on lap during family photos in Empire Plaza with Albany NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad and one year old son play on steps during family photos in Albany NY at Empire Plaza with Nicole Starr Photography
parents hug toddler standing together in Albany NY during family photos with Nicole Starr Photography
toddler plays on steps at Empire Plaza in Albany NY with Nicole Starr Photography during family photos

Save this post for later!

family portraits in Albany NY at Empire Plaza for family with one year old photographed by New York family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Baby Starr | A Llama Cake Smash for Grayson

Jeff and I have shared an inside joke about llamas for as long as I can remember. I think it was one of the very first weekends that we were dating when we were walking around downtown Saratoga Springs, and we saw a llama standing on the sidewalk poking its head into the windows of a bar and leaning over a table inside of the restaurant. Ever since we have spent years worth of scavenger hunts with a bonus llama category that would give us extra points.

Our family knew the llama story, so Grayson received a few gifts this year that were llama related. He has a llama for his crib, and his favorite books are the Llama Llama series — he gets so animated every time we open these books and he puts his hand down to stop turning the page so that he can really enjoy what he sees, pointing and babbling to the llamas in front of him.

So it was only natural that we did a llama cake smash with our little guy! (Who, by the way, I still can’t believe is ONE!! Where did this year disappear to?!?!)

llama cake smash for baby's first birthday

This adorable llama cake lasted all of 25 seconds because our son is in a fun new stage of “I must knock everything over!!” The cake fell upside down off the cake stand TWICE within the first 3 minutes of his cake smash. He’s a talented little smasher!

llama cake smash for baby's first birthday

There he is contemplating the very best way to get the cake off of the cake stand!

llama cake smash for baby's first birthday

I will never grow tired of photographing little baby feet! His feet are already turning into muscular and lean toddler feet, and he’s losing the squishy padding that he used to have beneath his toes. Stop growing up so fast, baby boy!

llama cake smash for baby's first birthday
llama cake smash for baby's first birthday

The sad face was when I took away his wooden spoon! This boy loves to feed himself and he is obsessed with spoons!

Of course we finished up with a bathtub splash, and Grayson LOVED tubby time! His favorite song for bath time is “Splish Splash (I was taking a bath)”, so once it came on he was giggling and splashing all over the place.

llama cake smash for baby's first birthday
llama cake smash for baby's first birthday

My sweet boy! I love you so much, and I can’t believe that we just finished your first birthday cake smash! Where did this year go?!?!

Baby Starr | Grayson's Fifth Month

Time is flying by, and our sweet baby boy is already five months old!  Each day Grayson grows a little more into his amazing personality, those chunky thighs, and those two very expressive eyebrows!

Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Springs Albany Baby Photographer

We have been working so hard on tummy time this month, but our little man has decided he would much rather skip tummy time and go straight to sitting up on his own!  After weeks of sitting on our laps, we tried him out on his mattress without any support last week, and he surprised us by keeping his balance for much longer than we imagined he would!  There have been a few head bumps since, and maybe a face plant or two, but he is LOVING this new perspective! 

His favorite game is sitting in his crib and looking at us through the slats in the crib bars, and when we move to a new angle or up above the railing he follows us with his eyes and starts laughing hysterically.  It's adorable!

Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Springs Albany Baby Photographer

Speaking of adorable....  I had way too many favorite photos this month, so we're just going to fill the blog up with all of these cute Grayson moments!

Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Springs Albany Baby Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Springs Albany Baby Photographer

Doesn't he look like he's reaching out for a hug in this one?

Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Springs Albany Baby Photographer

He hasn't found his toes yet, but I know that's coming next and I'm sure by next month he'll be playing with his feet non-stop, and even getting those little toes into his mouth.  For now, he is 100% about kicking his legs -- in his stroller, on the floor, while swaddled in his bed.  Those legs are pumping up and down all day long, and he gets so excited about it that he lets out happy shrieks.

Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Springs Albany Baby Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Springs Albany Baby Photographer

This month Grayson spent another week on the Cape with me, and he got in lots of walks to the beach.  He enjoyed so much family time with a full house on the Cape, playing with his cousins Natalie & Nathaniel, snuggling up with my cousin Kori (who put him to sleep every time with her cozy hugs!), and walking up and down the street with Grandma to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine any time he got fussy.

We went to visit Daddy at work, and Grayson dressed up in his little suit to match Dad.  Everyone fell right in love with this little guy!

We had a lot of visitors this month!  We started off with Auntie Kirsten & Uncle Dave, and Grayson pretty much charmed their socks off.  My personal favorite part of the visit was when Dave asked, "Wait, so you haven't had 6 consecutive hours of sleep since April?!?!"  And Jeff chimed in that it was likely more like since December!   ;o)  


Travers Weekend has always been a special weekend for me & Jeff, and we don't even go to the track!  It's always the last weekend of the summer that we love enjoying downtown Saratoga Springs, and it happens to be the very first weekend we ever got together in 2012 when we started dating.  This year our little man put on his most dapper outfit and hat and charmed all of the ladies downtown.  

Then our friend Wendy came to visit with Addie (6) and Zack (8).  This was the highlight of Grayson's month and he looooooved watching these two kids.  Zack was obsessed with Grayson and kept asking me when he could give him a bath, so of course we sudsed right up on the kitchen counter and played "Splish Splash" on the radio.  We had many playground adventures, enjoyed lots of cuddles on the couch with Addie reading books to the boys, and got in lots of snuggles with Wendy every chance he got. 


A few milestones this month...

  • Baby G, you've discovered your voice!  You babble nonstop, and you've recently discovered this fun little shriek that you enjoy making over and over again.  Your face lights up when you "talk", and it's really amazing to watch and listen to.
  • You've graduated to a "big boy stroller", and you no longer need the car seat in the stroller when we go for walks.  Of course, you're very excited about this new perspective and your legs kick like crazy when we're out and about now.
  • We're still waiting for teeth, and those hands are constantly in your month.  You grab anything you can reach to put it in there and chomp down -- our fingers, my wrist, our water bottles, your toys.  Nothing is out of your reach!
  • You went to your first wedding!  Katie McIntosh & Jeff Torch got married in central NY, and you came to the ceremony.  We were excited that you were asleep in the pews, and we thought we were sooooo lucky that you would sleep the whole time.  We jinxed it, and you woke up right in time to start babbling during the vows.  
  • We started taking you to a chiropractor to help with your (lack of) sleep and your (excessive) reflux.  You loooooove visiting her, and you get so calm and smiley in her office.  Now let's keep crossing those fingers that this works because we are desperate for sleep and clean clothes!

And some of our favorite cell phone shots from Grayson's Fifth Month!


Baby Starr | Grayson's Fourth Month

I can't believe that our little baby boy is now FOUR MONTHS OLD!  

saratoga springs baby photographer  |  Nicole Starr Photography

Grayson, you charm us every single day with your sweet personality, your bubbly laugh, and those round rosy cheeks that we seriously can't help but squish and kiss all day long!  

Your personality is coming out more each day, and you really are a chill, mellow, happy baby who loves to relax.  You're very observant and you take in everything around you through those bright blue eyes of yours, and now you're starting to interact with your surroundings more now that you've discovered all the cool things you can do with those hands & feet that, as it turns out, ARE ATTACHED TO YOUR BODY!  Seriously, that was the best discovery ever for you when you realized you could make things happen simply by waving your hand through the air!

You've become a super vocal baby, and you're always testing out new sounds when we leave you by yourself on your play mat or in your crib.  It's not uncommon to hear a sudden "Whooooaaaa!" emerge from your corner of the room, and all sorts of little shrieks. 

You love "talking" to anyone that will talk back to you, and the cutest thing ever this month was when you sat on Grandpa Schwalm's lap and talked so earnestly to him, back and forth with a whole little conversation between the two of you!  You're so earnest when you're talking, and you pause for us to answer and ask you questions, and your whole face lights up as you babble away.  These photos below are a few of your "talking faces".  ;o)  

saratoga springs baby photographer  |  Nicole Starr Photography

You and I spent two weeks on Cape Cod visiting Grandma & Grandpa Schwalm in July.  You were a pro road tripper, and that 5 hour drive was no big deal to you, little man!  It was a pretty big adjustment for you to learn to sleep in a new space (we're still recovering from that one!), but you loved all of the extra cuddles and play time with your grandparents, plenty of fresh air, and you got to see the ocean for the first time!  (Though, the first two visits to the ocean you passed out the second you heard those waves, so you didn't actually "see" it until your third trip there.  Must be all those ocean sounds we listen to at night and during nap time to help you fall asleep -- they really work!!)

saratoga springs baby photographer  |  Nicole Starr Photography
grayson 3.5 months-3.jpg

This month Daddy taught you how to stick out your tongue as a little game when you're on the changing table, and now you want to do it all the time.  It's pretty adorable.  You're also teething, and while no teeth have poked through yet, you drool like crazy and everything you find goes straight into your mouth.  Your favorite are my fingers, and you've gotten pretty good at chomping on them to massage those little gums of yours.

We've been working hard on tummy time, and while you're not the biggest fan, you've started trying to wiggle out of it.  Most babies roll.  You choose to inch forwards and sideways while on your tummy, as if you can just skip this whole tummy time thing and go straight to crawling.  Slow down, baby boy!

You adore your dad, and your face lights up every afternoon when he comes home from work.  You have the biggest smile just for him, and you're always cuddling up close to him.  You've even started to let him put you to bed at night, which is a nice little treat for you & for me!    Everyone says you look just like your dad, and you're really his little mini-me.  Lucky me, I get to share my house with the two most handsome guys!

This is the smile you give us when we say "I love you."

You really do light up our lives.  Love you lots, little man.

saratoga springs baby photographer  |  Nicole Starr Photography

A few of your firsts this month:

  • The big one for you is that you've discovered how awesome sitting upright is. You're still too little to sit on your own, but you love when we pull you up and support you on our laps (or on a table, the floor, the bed -- anywhere that puts your head above your legs!).  You get the biggest smile, and when we hold both your hands you even start to pull yourself up to sit to show us that you want to go up.  
  • You met Nana for the first time.  She's 91 years old, and she loved getting to cuddle her newest great-grandson, and show you off to everyone that lives in the retirement home with her!
  • Your first trip to Cape Cod was a success!  We went to mommy's favorite beaches in Dennisport, the ice cream shop where she used to work, and met up with a few friends while on the Cape, too!
  • You had your first (two!) visits to Urgent Care, where they misdiagnosed conjunctivitis both times.  Oh well!  You're a trooper, little man!
  • You also had your first official diaper blowout... All over mommy's lap.  It was followed by a string of funny texts to dad letting him know what had happened, including an "Omg!  It's still coming out!  I'm afraid to stand up now!"  Daddy of course said, "Good job, buddy!"
  • You also had your first trip to the Saratoga County Fair!  You loved the colors and the sounds, but eventually you fell asleep before we made it back to the car.  Mom & Dad's priorities?  Fried dough, play a carnival game, win a toy for the baby.  But really, fried dough.

Some of our favorite cell phone photos this month...

saratoga springs baby photographer  |  Nicole Starr Photography

Watch him grow!

Vivian Jane's 3 Month Milestone Portraits | Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer

With the launch of our new Baby Plan & Milestone Sessions in 2018, I am so excited to see so many of my newborn clients return to the studio for their milestone portraits throughout their baby's first year!

I first met Vivian Jane during her at-home lifestyle newborn session.  Her parents mentioned then that they would be doing a traditional 100 day celebration for their daughter, and so of course we started planning her 100-day portraits!  We added a bit of sparkle to this sweet girl's session to fit the mood of the celebration, and her sweet smiles just lit up the room!

Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …
Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …
Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …

Her mama brought the cutest little knit outfit & beret, and this sweet 3 month old looked like a little French girl with that beret perched on her head just so!  The white bed is always a classic look in our milestone sessions, and I love how simply it complements this adorable baby girl.  

Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …
Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …
Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …

So, what is a good milestone to photograph?  Honestly, the first year flies so quickly and you're going to want to remember all of them!  Here are a few of my favorites to photograph during our milestone sessions:

  • Tummy time
  • Smiling
  • Before the first teeth come in
  • Celebration of the first tooth
  • Discovering their toes 
  • Sitting up unassisted
  • Crawling
  • Standing
  • Walking
Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …

Blake is ONE! A Sparkly Pink and Gold Cake Smash with Boston Baby Photographer

I love when our newborn clients come back to celebrate their first birthday at the studio!  It's hard to believe that it's been a year already since Blake's newborn session, and I truly enjoyed getting to celebrate this vibrant baby girl's first birthday with a very special cake smash session at our Attleboro baby photography studio.  

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Cake Smash Photographer | Boston Cake Smash Photographer | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer  |  Albany Cake Smash Photographer

Our popular paper flower backdrop is at it again, this time with a little SPARKLE!  This drop is now for sale with our Designer Line at Baby Dream Backdrops.  Check it out here!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Cake Smash Photographer | Boston Cake Smash Photographer | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer  |  Albany Cake Smash Photographer

Blake LOVED her cake, especially once she was able to dig in with a spoon!  She surprised us all by keeping her birthday crown on the entire time (rare for a one-year old!), and she had the best time giggling away while we did her cake smash.  Isn't she adorable?!?!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Cake Smash Photographer | Boston Cake Smash Photographer | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer  |  Albany Cake Smash Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Cake Smash Photographer | Boston Cake Smash Photographer | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer  |  Albany Cake Smash Photographer

Of course, I can never resist clicking the shutter on a good crying photo, and Blake ended the smash with the perfect reaction.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Cake Smash Photographer | Boston Cake Smash Photographer | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer  |  Albany Cake Smash Photographer

No birthday session with Nicole Starr Photography is complete without some family portraits!  We did some classic portraits for this Boston family, with neutral colors and a simple background to let them shine together.  This sweet little girl is so, so loved!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Cake Smash Photographer | Boston Cake Smash Photographer | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer  |  Albany Cake Smash Photographer
nicole starr photography saratoga springs boston cake smash baby photographer_0003.jpgNicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Cake Smash Photographer | Boston Cake Smash Photographer | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photogr…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Cake Smash Photographer | Boston Cake Smash Photographer | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer  |  Albany Cake Smash Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Cake Smash Photographer | Boston Cake Smash Photographer | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer  |  Albany Cake Smash Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Cake Smash Photographer | Boston Cake Smash Photographer | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer  |  Albany Cake Smash Photographer

Oscar & Miles: Simple Studio Portraits with Brothers | A Milestone Session at the Nicole Starr Photography Studio

We have been celebrating so many baby milestones in the studio since launching our new Petite Milestone Sessions and Baby Plan for 2018!  Oscar came to the studio to celebrate his first 6 months, and his big brother Miles joined him to celebrate his second birthday! 

I saw Miles last year for his first birthday cake smash, and again in the fall for family portraits when his brother was still teeny-tiny, so it was especially nice to watch the two interact now that they've gotten to know each other for the past 6 months.  One thing is clear: little Oscar ADORES his big brother, and when he's nearby he can't take his eyes off of him!

Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …

Milestone portrait sessions at 6 months are some of my favorites.  Usually between months 6-8, babies are sitting up solidly on their own.  They have great neck strength and can rock tummy time, enjoying it just as much as they do laying on their backs and playing with their little toes.  Babies are truly perfect, and you know I don't use a lot of props to distract from this perfection.  We keep the focus on the baby and create truly timeless portraits that let your little one's personality shine!

Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …
Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …

And boy, did their personalities shine!!!  :o)  

Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …
Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …
Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …
Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …

Have you been wondering if a milestone session is right for you?  Check out more of our milestone sessions here:

Albany Baby Photographer  |  Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer  |  Boston Baby Photographer  |  Milestone Portrait Session  |  Nicole Starr Photography  |  Saratoga Family Photographer  |  Albany Family Photographer  |  Boston Family Photographer  …

A Valentine's Day First Birthday | Saratoga Springs Albany Cake Smash Baby Photographer

This Valentine's Day cake smash was simple and sweet, and I loved styling this February baby's first birthday backdrop.  Lila's mom was so excited to plan a red & pink Valentine's Day session for her daughter's first birthday, and we kept it simple with just a banner and a few hearts on her cake, allowing the birthday girl to be the star of the show.

Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer
Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer
Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer

As much as moms (and photographers!) dream of babies that love their birthday cakes, who dig right in and leave little bits of frosting on their hands and cheeks.... that is not always the case.  And it's normal and totally alright if your baby is like Lila and really isn't a fan of her cake!

P.S.  My favorite part of this image below is the combination of angel wings & the great big, angry scream!

Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer

Though she did make a few adorable kissy faces for us -- Valentine's babies certainly love their smooches, and Lila enjoyed making this little face with her lips again and again!

Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer

Below is my favorite angle that I try to capture at every single cake smash session.  Look at those beautiful, big eyes of hers!

Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer
Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer
Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer

The angel wings weren't really Lila's favorite, so they certainly didn't last long.  We managed to snap exactly one photo of this baby girl in her angel wings, but I still think it's pretty adorable!  Find a photographer with a sense of humor who will go with the flow when your baby is fussing, and know that images like this one below will be among your favorite ones to show your daughter when she is 17 years old one day.

Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer
Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer
Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer
Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer

Of course, Lila loved cuddling up with her mama on the bed and she was all smiles and giggles when crawling around and giving her mama lots of hugs and kisses.  These were the perfect "mommy & me" portraits, and I'm so happy we were able to capture these for this family!

Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer
Saratoga Springs Cake smash photographer, Upstate NY cake smash photographer, Boston cake smash photographer

A Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday: Boston & Saratoga Cake Smash Photographer

Amalia Marie has been looking up at me with those sparkly blue eyes of hers since she was a newborn baby.  I first met Amalia's family last winter when they visited me for her newborn session, and then we got together last summer during a visit to Cape Cod for a family portrait session on the beach.  

When Amalia's mom started planning her birthday portraits months ago, I was so excited to help her bring her first birthday party ideas to life in a colorful portrait session!  

Amalia celebrated her first birthday with a Very Hungry Caterpillar cake smash inspired by Eric Carle's popular children's book.  This was definitely my most colorful cake smash to date, and I love how perfectly her outfit came together with our rainbow cake and banners.  Bringing together all of these creative elements is always my favorite part of preparing for our cake smash sessions, and of course watching our littlest clients taste their sugary treat is always a fun experience, too!

cake smash photographer in saratoga springs clifton park

Just like with all of our birthday sessions in the studio, we made sure to capture some family portraits to celebrate Amalia's parents surviving their first year of parenthood.  Amalia's grandparents taught her how to throw her hands up when they exclaim, "TOUCHDOWN!", so of course we got an action shot of her and her daddy scoring a touchdown together.

I have loved capturing the three of them together this past year.  The walls of their home are now filled with so many beautiful memories from the past 12 months, and I'm certain that they're going to love adding many more memories to their walls as their daughter grows.  

Happy birthday, baby girl!

Did you know that we often start planning a baby's birthday session when they are 7-10 months old to ensure a space on the calendar close to their first birthday?  I'd love to chat with you about your little one's cake smash this year!  

A Boho-inspired Cake Smash Session for Twins

Oh my goodness, I just love these little girls!  I’ve been so lucky to watch Finley & Bella grow through their entire first year, capturing all of their milestones from their newborn session to their first birthday.  Just look at them now!

It is always an honor when a family trusts me to capture their most precious gifts on camera, and when they continue to bring their babies to me as they grow — that is the very best feeling for my baby-loving and photo-loving heart.  

Boston and Saratoga Springs baby and family photographer

I have loved watching these girls together, and I can’t believe that these babies who were only FOUR POUNDS when I first held them last year are now these healthy, happy, and beautiful little girls on the brink of toddlerhood.  Aren’t they gorgeous??!?!

Family photos are always some of my favorites to capture during our birthday sessions.  Mom & dad have survived 365 days of this whole parenting thing, and they are in an entirely different place than they were when they first welcomed their girls to the world a year ago.  Plus, they are on their way to mastering the art of being parents of TWINS, which is a whole other ballgame!  

So when Finley & Bella felt more like crying during the cake smash portion of our session, you know what their parents did?  They didn’t panic.  They didn’t start crying, too.  They just rolled with it — they know that there have been so many moments over the past 12 months where their little girls expressed themselves this way, so they rolled with it. 

Besides, I happen to think that crying babies are pretty adorable and I always make sure to capture those little tears on camera when they do happen.  Just imagine pulling this photo out at their 16th birthday party or on their wedding day — classic, right?  

Boston and Saratoga Springs crying baby twins cake smash photo session

Happy birthday to these sweet little girls, tears and all!  

If you loved Finley & Bella’s cake smash, see how they’ve grown by checking out their newborn session, first Christmas session, and milestone session last Mother’s Day!

A Dreamy Session with Newborn Twins

Celebrating Motherhood Photo Event with Twins

Holiday Sessions with Twins

Is your baby turning one in the next few months?  Email us at and let’s chat about planning the perfect birthday celebration for this milestone! 

Use the contact tab above to get in touch, and you can also browse more cake smash inspiration in the “Sessions” tab above!

Do you love this boho teepee as much as I do?  Learn how to make one for your home or for your next photo session!  Our DIY teepee tutorial has become very popular over on the blog, and we'd love for you to save this to Pinterest, too!

diy teepee tutorial for photo shoot prop