Studio newborn portraits for twin brothers | Saratoga Springs portrait studio

Enzo and Ethan joined me in my Saratoga Springs portrait studio for their newborn portraits and they are simply the sweetest! They’re simply adorable and I was so happy to have twins in my studio to start the year. Fun fact about me: I’m an identical twin! I’ve had the joy of photographing many sets of twins since starting my business back in 2012. Each set is special and I always enjoy my time capturing parents with their babies. Enzo and Ethan were sleepy, happy to curl up with each other or their parents the entire time we were together. 

twin boys lay snuggled together in white wrap on white blanket during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Every pair of twins that I photograph always brings me back to my very first newborn session with twins. There was a magical moment when they were wrapped up together, and as they lay there their breaths synced and their tiny little chests rose and fell as one. Now I watch for that in every session with twins, and it’s truly incredible to see that deep connection in the babies who are so used to always having their partner there beside them.

While I love photographing newborn twins, it can be challenging too! One of the challenges of a newborn session with twins is keeping them straight and making sure that we capture the same amount of portraits (and the same/similar setups) of each baby, and then knowing in editing who is who. With boy/girl twins or twins where there is a pound or more difference between the babies, it’s not very hard to remember who is who, but when they are identical or nearly the same weight, it’s much trickier! 

One of the tricks I’ve developed is to keep post-it notes with their names and start a new setup with the name label in the photos, and then edit that out later. Another trick is to use certain colors on each baby, like we did with Enzo and Ethan, which are the same colors their parents use at home for the boys. Whatever you’re doing at home can absolutely be brought into the studio. This is definitely fun too, because it means your final portraits will fit in perfectly in your space after your session! 

Welcome to the world, Enzo and Ethan. You are so loved and as a twin myself, I have to say you’re pretty lucky too! 

parents hold twin boys sitting on sofa during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mother in blue dress holds twin boys in white wraps during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad stands holding twin boys in white wraps against his chest during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn baby boy lays in custom blue and white blanket with his name during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn baby boy lays in white outfit on blue knit blanket sleeping during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn baby boy lays in custom green and white blanket with his name during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn baby boy lays in blue outfit on blue knit blanket sleeping during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn twin boys lay in custom green, blue and white blankets with their names in wicker basket during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Studio newborn portraits for twin brothers with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Older Newborn Portraits with Twins Lillian and Liam

What do you get when nearly 3 month old twins come to the studio for their newborn session? SMILES LIKE THIS!!!

Baby boy in white onesie photographed by Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer | Delmar NY newborn photographer
newborn twin boy and girl photographed by Clifton Park NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

I am absolutely obsessed with older newborn sessions now that we have had so many post-quarantine. I love that we’re still able to capture beautiful portraits of these babies while they are still tiny and new, even if they are a little older than the traditional 2-week old newborn session.

Lillian and Liam were such a joy in the studio, and I loved seeing these twins interact with each other (and with the camera!) during their older newborn session. You just don’t get expressions and eye contact like this with a baby who is only a few days old!

baby girl in white onesie with headband poses during older newborn session with Delmar NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom and dad hold newborn twins for older newborn session with Albany NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

These babies spent the entire session switching off between who was awake and who was asleep. It made for some very engaging portraits! I especially loved these ones of them cuddled up in their parents arms. Plus, aren’t the parents’ outfits perfect? So beautiful and classic.

parents hold newborn twins during studio newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom in white dress holds newborn baby boy during studio portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad holds newborn daughter with single flower on headband during Albany NY newborn portraits by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

This mama is Super Mama! Her heart has grown to fit these two babies, and the love just shines in her expression!

mom holds newborn twins during portraits with Clifton Park NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom holds newborn baby boy in white onesie photographed by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad holds newborn son during session with Clifton Park NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom and sleeping newborn daughter sit on white couch in Saratoga Springs studio with NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
older newborn twins have tummy time during studio portraits with Albany NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn twins swaddled in white lay on basket with gold stars under them photographed by Albany NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Their nursery has a star and moon theme, and you know I love anything with gold stars in it! I really enjoyed creating this magical “twinkle twinkle little star” setup for the twins. And my new star headband from Polka Dot Poppy was perfect for Lillian!

newborn girl with floral crown lays in basket photographed by Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
older newborn boy in white swaddle lays on chunky blanket with stars underneath him photographed by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn girl in cream wrap with knitted blanket posed by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn boy in white wrap lays on grey knit blanket in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn baby boy smiles at photographer during older newborn session with Clifton Park NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in cream wrap lays on knit blanket during portraits with Delmar NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

The twins’ mama really wanted a blush & blue setup, so we made a sweet little heart for her babies. This was one of the family’s favorite portraits at their ordering appointment!

newborn twins lay on blue and pink wrap making a heart photographed by Delmar NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn twins lay on blue and pink wrap almost holding hands photographed by NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Inspired by this twins’ newborn session? Pin this image or any from the post above for inspiration!

Older newborn portraits for newborn baby girl and boy twins photographed by Nicole Starr Photography, Delmar and Clifton Park NY newborn photographer