Five years of memories - looking back at some of my favorite portraits from Grayson’s first five years

When you become a parent, time moves at warp speed and the years really do seem to fly by. I don’t know how in the world it happened, but our little baby Grayson is now FIVE years old. It doesn’t feel all that long ago that he was this tiny 5 pound, 15 ounce baby curled up in our arms. Now when he sits on my lap, his head is level with mine and he wraps his arms around me in the tightest “knock you over hug” that he can muster.

Five feels like such a huge milestone. As he says, “it’s a whole hand!” This year he will start kindergarten. He’ll ride the school bus next fall (he’s been waiting years for this moment!). He’ll take the training wheels off his bike. He’ll learn to tie his shoes. We’re reading his first chapter book together, and he loves cuddling up on the couch and listening to the story. He marches into preschool without looking back, his bright yellow backpack bobbing along the sidewalk as he walks in with his friends. He’s turning into this smart, funny, independent little guy. It’s so cool to see, but it’s also bittersweet knowing that we blinked and he went from this little baby to this cool and confident kid.

As any photographer would, I’m going back through my archives of family photos and sharing all of my favorites from Grayson’s first five years. Enjoy a peek into this wild ride of ours!

newborn baby boy lays in white outfit with vintage camera during newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio
baby boy lays in ocean wrap after birth and next to letter board on blue and white blanket for one week photos with Saratoga Springs NY photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Fresh 48 photo on the left (above) by Lauren Kirkham Photography. I’ll always treasure the portraits from our hospital session with Lauren from when Grayson was only one day new!

baby boy laughs in white onesie laying on white and blue ocean theme blanket
baby boy bites corner of wooden Fox in Socks book while grandmother holds him
baby sits in white romper in front of white and gold balloons in Saratoga Springs studio
chunky baby sits leaning for gingerbread house during Christmas photos with NY children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy rolls around in chunky white blanket on bed in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography

This peek-a-boo photo above is my absolute FAVORITE portrait from Grayson’s infancy. I’ve had it hanging in our dining room for years, and I don’t see myself taking it down any time soon!

mom helps baby push wooden roller through kitchen
baby in blue and white outfit pulls himself up on wooden chest in living room of Saratoga Springs home
boy in blue and white onesie hugs mom in white dress on beach on Cape Cod during family photos with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Summertime family portraits on the beach with Sarah Zollo Portraits. It was such a windy evening, but I love the movement that it lent to our images. Grayson was still a few weeks away from walking when we did this session, and we got the cutest images of him standing up and falling onto his bottom on the beach in this session!

black and white portrait of dad holding toddler sticking out tongue on lap
baby in white onesie lays on blue and white blanket next to letter board sign that says “twelve months” photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom holds chunky baby next to window in studio laughing in Saratoga Springs NY

More mommy & baby portraits from Sarah Zollo, right after Grayson turned one!

four babies sit by cakes near Saratoga Springs racetrack backdrop for first birthday cake smash in Saratoga Springs studio

Our first birthday cake smash with Grayson & his birthday buddies! We got the Birthday Crew together again to recreate this session for their fifth birthday. Scroll to the end to see how they’ve grown!

toddler holds mom’s hand to cheek in black and white portrait
toddler plays on rug in diaper with blocks and stuffed dog with light streaming in room over couch
toddler reaches for vanilla ice cream cone in Saratoga Springs during the summer
baby sits in small bathtub with colored water in Saratoga Springs studio with Nicole Starr Photography
dad helps toddler walk on bench in first pair of white shoes during summertime in Saratoga Springs
one year old sits on blue surfboard with cake on Cape Cod beach for cake smash photographed by NY and MA cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in green overalls and plaid shirt sits in toy car with stuffed animal behind him in Saratoga Springs NY neighborhood
toddler squats next to two presents in red and white paper with gingerbread house on top photographed by Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Continuing with our gingerbread tradition, we did gingerbread house portraits each Christmas, and now we make our gingerbread houses together every year! It’s one of Grayson’s favorite holiday traditions. In 2022, we went a little crazy and made FOUR different gingerbread houses for the holidays.

dad in blue jacket pulls baby on sled in snowfall with golden retriever walking by them in Saratoga Springs NY
toddler grins by teal mixer on counter with cookie dough in Saratoga Springs NY home
boy in Mickey pajamas poses with metal colander on head at home

Lots of silly stay-at-home moments during 2020!

toddler lifts spoon of cheerios to mouth sitting at kitchen table in Saratoga Springs NY home
silhouette of toddler boy with curly hair against white backdrop
toddler poses with sloth stuffed animal on shoulders in bedroom of Saratoga Springs home
toddler licks popsicle wearing blue sunglasses during summertime in Saratoga Springs NY
husband and wife toss confetti with son in house in Saratoga Springs New York
blonde toddler sits on outdoor chair with wooden camera around his neck laughing in Saratoga Springs NY
toddler helps mom put plants in pot outside of Saratoga Springs home
toddler in grey shirt and jeans sits on concrete steps covered in leaves during the fall

Look at his wild & crazy hair! He’s on the front porch of our new house in 2020! Grayson started calling it “the pretty house” before we moved in, and he still calls it that! We are so grateful that we found this house and this incredible neighborhood, and we’ll never stop appreciating how wonderful this move was for our family.

toddler poses in three halloween costumes - unicorn, Thomas the train, and astronaut photographed in Saratoga Springs nY

Halloween costumes! Choo choo train (2020), unicorn (2021), astronaut (2022).

toddler takes “photo” of stuffed animals in wooden bowl with wooden camera in Saratoga Springs NY studio
toddler walks through row of Christmas trees in the snow during winter in Saratoga Springs NY
toddler sits on couch with tie and button up shirt looking at cardboard laptop
toddler sits in grey shirt with red bow tie holding pink LOVE balloon for Valentine’s Day photos
toddler sits in overalls on wooden stool with mom in Saratoga Springs NY studio

He took these photos with me in the studio on my birthday in 2021. I love his cute snuggles and that adorable smile! (Also, that was some crazy long pandemic hair!)

toddler poses in mailman outfit in front of blue balloons garland for USPS inspired cake smash in Saratoga Springs studio
toddler sits on ducks in Boston Garden
toddler lays on red and white blanket in overalls with American flags during 4th of July photo in Saratoga Springs studio
boy in blue and white button up shirt plays on beach on Cape Cod during family photos with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

My beach-loving boy loves our summer trips to the Cape! Last year he lingered behind me when we were leaving the beach, and I turned around to see where he went only to find him laying down in the sand making “sand angels” (like snow angels). He can’t get enough of the beach, truly!

toddler makes gingerbread house with grandmother in kitchen of Saratoga Springs home during Christmastime
toddler in blue and white space pajamas poses by cake for space themed cake smash in Saratoga Springs NY studio

I love the many sides of him! Grayson was obsessed with learning about outer space for about a year, and because of that we all learned more than we had ever known about the planets and different parts of our galaxy. He loves everything pink, and will randomly put on his pink butterfly wings and head to the store or the playground while wearing them. He knows every type of truck imaginable, has spent thousands of hours playing with his train tracks, and is really into Hot Wheels at the moment. He has an engineer’s brain and loves to build complex train track layouts with multiple levels, and now intricate marble runs, too. He’s always been into music ever since he was a few weeks old and would calm down immediately with the first notes of Justin Timberlake’s song, “Say Something,” and now he is starting to play little bits of songs by ear on Adelaide’s toy piano. He is incredible.

toddler boy wearing pink fairy wings smells white and pink flowers on kitchen table in Saratoga Springs NY kitchen
toddler in red and blue helmet rides bike down street with dad behind him in Saratoga Springs NY

First time riding a big kid bike on his fourth birthday!

boy in blue pajamas with bunny ears on dyes Easter eggs at wooden kitchen table in Saratoga Springs home
toddler sits in white shirt with red bow tie in front of paper snowflakes in studio with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler boy sits in khakis and grey shirt holding sign that says “I’m going to be the best big brother” and hugging stuffed animal in Saratoga springs NY studio

He really has turned into the best big brother. Adelaide is obsessed with Grayson, and everything he does puts a smile on her face.

five year old boy lays on blanket holding new baby sister during studio newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY

We traveled to Connecticut for newborn portraits with Saren Cassotto Photography, and she captured the sweetest sibling portraits of our two babies. We had so many good ones to choose from, and I have a bunch of favorite sibling portraits in different spots all around the house, and in Adelaide’s newborn album. This kid really brought the smiles that day!

toddler hugs sister on white floor with red hearts around them during Valentine’s Day photos in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
four 5 year olds stand in white dresses and shirts in front of Saratoga racehorse backdrop for birthday portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio

I hope the next five years don’t go nearly as fast as these five did, but I know that they will. For now, I’ll try and slow down to savor it all, and celebrate this little boy!

Happy FIFTH birthday, Grayson!

Making Memories with Grandparents & Grandkids: Extended Family Portrait Session in our Saratoga Springs Studio

Nicole and Chris are longtime clients and I've photographed their two babies and all of their milestones ever since they were born. It’s such a special gift to be able to see my clients year after year and watch their kids grow up. I absolutely adore Elli and Colton. So, when Nicole and Chris reached out about surprising his mom with a portrait session for Christmas, I was absolutely on board! Together, we planned an extended family session with Chris’s brother and his family.

The day of their session was so much fun. I loved watching Elli and Colton with their cousin, Easton. Easton and Colton are only a few days apart, so their bond is incredibly special. Extended family portraits are SO important to me because I love photographing all the relationships, especially grandparents and their grandkids. It’s so sweet. I loved watching Nicole, Chris, and their family just be together in the studio.

I also absolutely loved the colors of the outfits they chose! When planning extended family portraits, coordinating outfits can be a bit tricky. Obviously the images will wind up in multiple homes, so try to consider where they’ll be displayed as you choose your palette. Stick to a color palette of 3 or 4 total colors for everyone’s outfits. This family did a great job with that - definitely use it for inspiration! When you’re thinking about studio portraits, too, the lighter colors will photograph so beautifully!!!

Psst!! A quick update about 2022’s outdoor portrait season! This year we’re only scheduling outdoor family portraits this for May, September & October. With limited availability, I expect the calendar to fill up even faster than ever. Be sure to reach out early to reserve your spot! If you’re thinking of an outdoor session in 2022, NOW IS THE TIME TO SCHEDULE.

grandparents hold three grandchildren on tan couch in studio with Nicole Starr Photography
grandparents hold three grandkids in studio during family portraits with Nicole Starr Photography
parents pose with four adults and three children during extended family portraits in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
three cousins sit together on tan couch in studio during family portraits with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
little girl in purple sweater hugs younger brother in blue jumper during family portraits with Nicole Starr Photography
toddler boy in blue sweater plays on tan couch during family photos with Nicole Starr Photography, NY family photographer
parents hold toddler in blue sweater on couch during studio family portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents sit with two kids on couch during studio family portraits with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
grandparents pose with sons and their children during family portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
family poses with grandparents in studio during family session with Nicole Starr Photography, NY family photographer
grandmother holds granddaughter on couch during family portraits at studio with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Save it for later:

Extended studio family portrait session with grandparents and grandchildren photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography.

Outdoor Family Portraits in Saratoga Springs with a One Year Old

Can we talk about how adorable this family is?!?!

We celebrate Henri’s first year with family portraits at SPAC in Saratoga Springs, and it was so much fun to see how much this sweet boy had grown since his winter milestone session. He is full of personality & big smiles, and he loves walking all over the place! We truly had a blast as we spent the evening laughing and talking, and capturing the most beautiful memories for this family to enjoy on the walls of their home.

Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …

Standing up like a big boy! One of the things I miss most from when my toddler was a baby are those chunky baby legs, so we made sure to choose an outfit for Henri that would emphasize those cute baby rolls that will only be there for a little while.

Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …

I love that we captured so many portraits that show his tiny front teeth! Soon he’ll have a mouth full of teeth, but for now it’s just those little ones in the front peeking through. So adorable!

Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …
Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …

Inspired by this fun outdoor session? Pin this image or any from the post above!

Outdoor family portraits in Saratoga Springs with a one year old by Nicole Starr Photography |  Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | New york family photographer, …

Golden Fall Family Portraits in Saratoga Springs

When your friends become clients, that’s always an extra special session!

I first met Allison in prenatal yoga when we were both waiting for our baby boys to arrive. The boys were born about two weeks apart, and they’re the best of friends. They give each other the cutest hugs, they reach across the strollers to hold hands while we’re on walks together, and Grayson is constantly shouting “JB! JB! JB!” when I tell him we’re going to get together with his friend. It’s adorable.

So when they asked me to capture their fall family portraits? How could I possibly say no?!?! We met at one of my favorite fall spots in Saratoga Springs and enjoyed all of the cuddles, tickles, and laughs with this family of three.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…

JB clearly loved the camera! This sweet boy is full of personality and he has the best smile. He is a little adventurer and he is always on the go. It was so much fun to capture this toddler stage of exploration and curiosity!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…

I’m pretty sure we made his whole week when he got to swing in mommy & daddy’s arms! Just look at the glee on his face!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…

Inspired by this family session? Pin this image or any from the post above!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY Family Photographer | Loudonville NY Family Photographer, Saratoga Springs family photos,…

Dancing with Mama - Fun family portraits at the Hall of Springs in Saratoga Springs, New York

This is TWO, and it was SO MUCH FUN!

I absolutely love photographing toddlers because they always bring all of the cuteness to their portrait sessions, and Miss Gianna was no exception. She came dressed to impress in what she called her “ballerina dress” and she wanted to show me how to twirl. We had so much fun with her family at the Hall of Springs, and I am in love with these summertime portraits!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…

Spinning, hugs, tickles, and kisses. That’s what portrait sessions are made of.

Our family sessions are relaxed & playful, and we always take enough time for the kids to warm up and become familiar with me, my camera, and our surroundings! Gianna has enjoyed many sessions with me over the years, so she was comfortable right away and we were able to capture so many cute moments of these three all cuddled up together.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…

Inspired by these fun poses for young children during family sessions? Pin this image or any from the post above!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Hall of Springs family portrai…

About Nicole Starr Photography 

Nicole Starr specializes in newborn, baby & family photography and has been serving families in New York and Massachusetts since 2012.  She has a portrait studio in Saratoga Springs, NY for families in the Capital Region.  Nicole also works with families year round at her Attleboro, MA portrait studio, and on location May through October in Boston and on Cape Cod.  Nicole has a clean and classic style, and the studio is filled with neutrals and luxe fabrics.  We use very minimal props to keep the focus on your perfect little baby.  Our sessions are relaxed and fun, and we’ll enjoy an hour together (or up to 3 hours for a newborn session!) laughing, cuddling, and capturing authentic smiles and belly laughs with your little ones.  

7 Tips for your Fall Family Portrait Session | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer

Fall is the busiest season of the year for family portraits, and rightly so! The cooler temperatures, vibrant foliage, and cozy sweaters make everyone want to cuddle up together and capture their family on camera!

I absolutely love this season, even if it is so short-lived. There’s just something so welcoming about the first mug of hot cider, the smell of those cider donuts that you can get at the apple orchard, the crunch of the leaves beneath your feet, and pulling out all of your cozy sweaters and your favorite pair of boots.

With our fall family portrait sessions just around the corner, today we’re sharing a few tips for your next photo session! Read on for plenty of great ideas, and beautiful outfit inspiration for your family photos, too!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Fall family photos, 7 tips for…

Always have a rain date.

The season is such a short one, and the weather is unpredictable! I always encourage my families to reserve their session date AND a backup rain date when they book their session. That way if it rains on the day of your session, no worries! We already have your makeup session scheduled on the calendar!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Fall family photos, 7 tips for…

Keep these things in the car.

We’re going to be moving around a lot during your session, and you don’t want to have to keep track of anything (besides your kids!). Sunglasses, hair elastics, bulky cell phones or wallets that will show in your pockets, stroller, diaper bag, baseball caps. All of these can stay in the car during your session.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Fall family photos, 7 tips for…

Have a favorite family quilt or blanket? Bring it to your session!

Blankets are your best friend for fall sessions. Not only do they protect your clothes from damp grass or leaves on the ground, but they look oh-so-cozy and inviting and they encourage everyone to snuggle up together. Whether you’re sitting on the blanket, or waving it up and down in the air “London Bridge” style while the kids run underneath, blankets and colorful patchwork quilts are one of my favorite accessories for a fall portrait session.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Fall family photos, 7 tips for…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Fall family photos, 7 tips for…

Embrace the leaves.

As everyone relaxes in front of the camera and the kids start to let their personalities shine, I like to encourage the kids by telling them that they will be able to have a leaf fight at the end. This always brings out the biggest smiles and laughs, and we capture beautiful portraits of them jumping into great big piles of leaves and tossing them in the air over their heads. Act like a kid and don’t be afraid of tossing the leaves in the air, getting a few in your hair, or laying down in a pile of dry leaves for a very colorful overhead shot cuddling your babies. After all, this is the only time of year we can capture such beautiful scenery with built in props (literally!) falling down around us!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Fall family photos, 7 tips for…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Fall family photos, 7 tips for…

Bring your dogs!

Just tell me ahead of time so that we can plan for it, but I love to encourage families to bring their four-legged family members to their sessions. I always recommend taking the dog for a nice long walk right beforehand to tire him/her out, and bringing a leash & treats to use during the session. Have a plan for after we finish with the dog in your photos, too. Will someone come with you to the session to watch the dog while we capture a few photos of you and the kids? Will you be able to tie him up to a nearby tree with a treat for a few minutes?

Layer up, especially the kids!

If your session is in mid-to-late October, it can get a little chilly outside when you’re just wearing light layers! Bulky coats never photograph well, so I always suggest adding another layer like a t-shirt or onesie underneath your kids’ outfits. Just a little something for added warmth that won’t add bulk or show through their clothes. Warm kids are happy kids!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Fall family photos, 7 tips for…

Babies and toddlers — plan on September or very early in October!

Speaking of warm kids being happy kids, this is especially true with babies! If your (oldest) little ones are younger than three, I highly suggest scheduling your session for September or early October when it is warmer outside. We can still do a late fall session if there are no other dates available, but we have a better chance of warmer days earlier in the season to keep your little ones happy.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Fall family photos, 7 tips for…
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Fall family photos, 7 tips for…

Looking for some outfit inspiration for your fall family portrait session? Click here to find plenty of what to wear ideas for your family photos!

Save these tips by pinning the image below or any from the post above!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | Fall family photos, 7 tips for…

About Nicole Starr Photography 

Nicole Starr specializes in newborn, baby & family photography and has been serving families in New York and Massachusetts since 2012.  She has a portrait studio in Saratoga Springs, NY for families in the Capital Region.  Nicole also works with families year round at her Attleboro, MA portrait studio, and on location May through October in Boston and on Cape Cod.  Nicole has a clean and classic style, and the studio is filled with neutrals and luxe fabrics.  We use very minimal props to keep the focus on your perfect little baby.  Our sessions are relaxed and fun, and we’ll enjoy an hour together (or up to 3 hours for a newborn session!) laughing, cuddling, and capturing authentic smiles and belly laughs with your little ones.  

What to wear & Where to shop | Cozy outfit ideas for your family portraits this fall

It’s not easy planning for family portraits. You worry about finding the right photographer, choosing the perfect date and a beautiful location. Then you stress about finding something to wear, and you cross your fingers and hope for the best when it comes to your baby’s mood and the weather.

From our very first phone call, I reassure families and I let them know that I will take care of every single one of those worries. We’ll choose a date & time together, and a rain date (just in case!). I’ll share a few of my favorite locations with you that I know are perfect at the time of day we’ve selected, and I’ll also help you find outfits for every single person in your family. You’re even able to wear outfits available at the studio for mamas and babies!

Then during your session I will use every trick up my sleeve to keep everyone in a happy, playful, and relaxed mood. In the end, the whole thing is a piece of cake and you don’t have to worry about a single thing — leave it all to me, and you just relax and enjoy a fun hour with your family!

But of course, the most frequently asked question I always get from families is “What do we all wear?” Read on for tips for cozy outfits for your family’s portrait session this fall.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | What to wear for fall photos, …

8 things to look for when planning your family’s outfits for a fall photo session


Layers add dimension and personality to any portrait, and they also help keep you warm in the fall when the temperature starts to drop! Cardigans, rolled cuffs peeking out from under a sweater, lightweight jackets, boots layered over leggings or jeans, a lightweight infinity scarf. These are all great ideas to add depth and color to your photos.

PRO TIP: Start with a base layer on the kids for warmth — this can be a onesie or shirt underneath their outfit, something that won’t show. Then add their outfit on top! Warm kids are happy kids!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | What to wear for fall photos, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | What to wear for fall photos, …

Rich Colors

Fall is such a vibrant season, and you can add vibrant pops of color to your outfits, too! Plum purple, mustard yellow, navy blue, maroon. These are all gorgeous colors that really pop against other neutrals in your outfits. Plan to use 2-3 colors (including a neutral like white, cream, gray) in everyone’s outfits, and think about what will really pop against the scenery!

PRO TIP: I recommend avoiding neon colors, black, and green.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | What to wear for fall photos, …


Plaid looks amazing in the fall, and it evokes such a cozy feeling! Plus, if you choose one plaid shirt or dress you can use all of those colors as inspiration for the rest of the family’s outfits.

PRO TIP: I suggest only having one family member with a plaid shirt because two or more can look too busy.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | What to wear for fall photos, …


Solids look great, but having everyone in solids is boring! Bring in a pattern with a dress or a blouse to add a little more interest and personality to your portraits. Just like with not putting everyone in plaid, don’t put EVERYONE in patterns either because they can clash and just look too busy, taking the focus away from everyone’s beautiful faces. Do a mix of patterns and solids.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | What to wear for fall photos, …


Boots always look amazing in photographs on moms and little girls! For the kids, think beyond their colorful sneakers or casual shoes and find something a little more stylish. You can find lots of cute options at Old Navy and Target in the kids sections, and Gap also has so many adorable ones, too!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | What to wear for fall photos, …

Cozy Knits

Sweater knits look amazing in fall family portraits, especially ones with a little texture. They just invite everyone to snuggle up together! Plan on layering a sweater or two on a few people in your family for the picture perfect look.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | What to wear for fall photos, …


If you’re looking for a more casual look, jeans are perfect. A darker wash is the most flattering, and I’d suggest avoiding distressed jeans if they have gaping holes in the knees so that when you sit on the ground your kneecap isn’t showing through at an unflattering angle. We’ll do a few family portraits sitting on the grass and playing in the leaves, so I want you to be comfortable!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | What to wear for fall photos, …

Don’t be afraid to glam it up!

Ruffles, tulle, sequins, a frilly skirt. These all look AMAZING on moms and little girls, and I love when families want to dress up for their portraits! I was so excited when this mama wanted to wear a gold sequin skirt for her session, and it looked incredible against the golden foliage.

PRO TIP: Amazon has a skirt that has become wildly popular for mamas in portrait sessions. Search “chiffon maxi skirt” and you’ll find plenty of colors. The waist is adjustable, and the length changes based on the size. If you’re short, order a Small. If you’re tall, don’t be afraid of ordering the Large or XL for the length. There are tons of colors available, and these look best with a fitted top. Some moms pair it with a white lace long sleeve top (also available on Amazon!). Others like a white t-shirt. Others do a buttoned up chambray shirt tucked into the skirt. Others like a cardigan over a tank top.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | What to wear for fall photos, …

where to shop

For mom:
Rent the Runway (rentals)
J. Crew
Old Navy

For the kids:
Cat & Jack at Target
Old Navy
Janie & Jack
Crewcuts by J. Crew
Gap Kids/Baby Gap
Rainey’s Closet (fancy rentals)
Lulu and Roo
Mini Boden
Hanna Andersson

For dads:
Dads have it easy. Layer on a button down shirt, sweater or vest, and jeans. They probably already have all of this in their closet, or they can choose neutrals or a plaid or patterned shirt from their favorite store to coordinate with the outfits selected for everyone else.

Pin this image or any from the post above for inspiration for your family’s fall outfits!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer | What to wear for fall photos, …

About Nicole Starr Photography 

Nicole Starr specializes in newborn, baby & family photography and has been serving families in New York and Massachusetts since 2012.  She has a portrait studio in Saratoga Springs, NY for families in the Capital Region.  Nicole also works with families year round at her Attleboro, MA portrait studio, and on location May through October in Boston and on Cape Cod.  Nicole has a clean and classic style, and the studio is filled with neutrals and luxe fabrics.  We use very minimal props to keep the focus on your perfect little baby.  Our sessions are relaxed and fun, and we’ll enjoy an hour together (or up to 3 hours for a newborn session!) laughing, cuddling, and capturing authentic smiles and belly laughs with your little ones.  

Boston Family Portraits in Beacon Hill with Nicole Starr Photography

The thing I miss most about living in Boston is getting into the city and enjoying the streets as the backdrop for my photo sessions, but lucky for me I head back there all the time to work with clients and I still get to suggest the most beautiful spots in the city for their portraits!

I especially love Beacon Hill for family sessions. The sidewalks are adorable and they are always decorated with the most beautiful flower boxes, plus the brick buildings, colorful front doors, and quaint shutters are picture perfect! Even better? All of the cutest shops are in Beacon Hill, like this sweet flower shop!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …

I thoroughly enjoyed photographing this adorable family in Boston. The flower stand was perfect for sibling portraits of the two sisters, and their yellow dresses simply popped against the floral background.

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …

We always have so much fun during our family sessions while we play games, tickle, and fly the kids around like superheroes. Just look at those smiles!!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Cape Cod family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer, …

Fall Family Portraits in Downtown Saratoga Springs, NY

2018 was the year I fell in love with shooting family sessions in downtown Saratoga Springs. I stepped away from the more traditional photo shoot locations and instead scouted out some new streets and corners with perfect patches of light to bring families, and it was such a joy!

We wrapped up the fall season with this sweet family session, and I loved getting to play with these brothers on Broadway in Saratoga Springs. We finished up at Congress Park for the fall foliage, and they had a blast playing in the leaves. This was truly such a fun session!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer

How sweet is this portrait with Alex & Ben and all of the beautiful foliage? We turned this one into a 24” wooden artwork for their walls, and I loooooove how it looks printed large for this family to enjoy!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer

Look at that great big grin! You wouldn’t ever believe he was shy when we started the session, would you? Ben had a BLAST! Especially when we told him he could throw leaves on his brother (keep scrolling and you’ll see it!).

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer

At the time of our session, Alex was still learning to walk. A week later he was running all over the place. I love that we captured this shot of his whole family supporting him and cheering him on with his first steps!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Delmar NY family photographer | Loudonville NY family photographer

What to Wear in Fall Family Portraits | Saratoga Springs NY Family Photographer

While I'm not the biggest fan of pumpkin spice (but only because I don't drink coffee!!), I do love fall soooooooo much.  Apples, crisp leaves, bonfires, lots of pumpkin baked goods, and it's finally time to bust out sweaters, scarves, and my favorite brown boots.

Plus, fall is one of my favorite seasons to plan outfits for photo shoots!  We get to layer so many cozy textures and colors together to really give your family's portraits some personality.  You've been following our "What to Wear" series, you've seen our wardrobe tips for SPRING FAMILY PORTRAITS and BEACH FAMILY PORTRAITS.  Naturally, tis the season to talk about fall wardrobe options for your next photo shoot!  

Choose 2-3 colors plus a neutral, and use a little bit of it in everybody's outfit!  

Or stick to a color palette or colors in a similar family! These families used shades of blue with khaki and cream as neutrals, and it came together beautifully!

what to wear ideas for fall family photo session
saratoga springs fall family photo session, nicole starr photography

Accessorize and don't shy away from texture!  

Earrings, a statement necklace, scarves, boots, a belt, or even a second layer with a sweater or cardigan all add more interest to your portraits.  Plus, they help to showcase your unique style and personality!  Different knits and fabrics also give your layers more interest and they look AMAZING on camera.  Don't be afraid to have a little fun when choosing your outfits for your family's portrait session.

outfit ideas for fall family photo session

Think of the location we'll be shooting in, and also of your wall decor.  

You want your colors to complement both.  If your home has mostly neutral colors on the walls, then you may not want bright red or orange in your portraits.  If we're shooting in a grassy area with lots of evergreens, avoid wearing green and instead choose a color that will pop against the trees like purple, cream, or mustard yellow.  

what to wear for fall family portraits

Fall colors to consider for your family's portrait session:
All Jewel Tones
Mustard Yellow
Emerald Green

Fun accessories for a little pop of personality:
Statement necklace
Layers: sweaters/cardigans


Happy Father's Day! | Boston & Saratoga Springs Family Photographer

Happy Father's Day weekend!

This weekend, I want to give a shout out to all of the dads who are absolutely rocking this whole parenthood thing.  I meet so many amazing families every single week, and I love being able to capture these sweet moments between dads and their little ones.  These little babies are going to grow up and have such a special bond with you, unique from every other relationship in their lives.  Enjoy every second of it, because they won't be this tiny to curl up in your arms forever!

For today's post, enjoy a peek at a collection of some of our favorite images from dads celebrating their first (or second, or third!) Father's Day this year.  Happy Father's Day to all of these amazing men.  Enjoy the weekend!

Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Saratoga Springs NY Family Photographer Boston Family Photographer Uptown NY Family Photographer-11wm.jpg
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer
Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Family Photographer | Boston Family Photographer | Upstate NY Family Photographer | Family Photographer | Fatherhood Photographer