And baby makes three: Adorable and playful studio portraits with three-month old baby

Baby James is simply the sweetest little guy! Kendra and Brendan brought James into my Saratoga Springs studio for their first family portrait session as a family of three. The light & airy studio and minimal props kept the focus on this adorable family and their sweet connection with their new baby. I absolutely love the final images that we captured of these three!

I enjoy the three-month stage so much as a photographer (and a mom!), and a few times this winter I was reminded of how beautiful and fun this stage really is with my clients’ babies! In my job, I am so lucky to see newborns all the time, and then I often see babies 6-12 months old for milestone and birthday sessions. But that three-month mark? I don’t see many of them in the studio, and I wish I had the opportunity to see more babies this age! They’re always adorable, starting to show those little smiles, and enjoy being with their parents.

I recently held my neighbor’s 3-month-old baby (for an hour – I wouldn’t put her down!) and got to play with her, enjoyed her gummy smile that lit up her whole face, and watched her bounce on my legs. I told my neighbor it was the highlight of my week, and I really meant it! When my own babies were three months old, I was sleep-deprived, exhausted, and stressed. But getting to experience this fun stage with someone else’s babies has been such a joy, and I really loved every minute of it.

When Kendra brought Baby James to the studio, it was the same feeling of sweet, cozy baby time. James was all smiles and fascinated by the little rattles, mesmerized by his mama’s shiny bracelets, and he lit up when his parents were coo-ing to him. We captured the most adorable moments for his family that really showcase the awe and wonder they have for their newest addition, and I hope they treasure these portraits for many years to come.

parents sit with three month old son on their laps during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents sit with three month old son on their laps during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad in grey sweater sits with son on his lap during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mother in white dress sits with son on her lap during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom in white dress holds up son in the air during three month milestone photos in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad holds son in white linen shirt in front of him during three month milestone photos in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad holds son in white linen shirt in front of him while mom laughs next to them during three month milestone photos in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom in white linen dress holds three month old son during milestone photos in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on white blanket in white long sleeve shirt sucking on his finger during milestone photos in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on white blanket in white long sleeve shirt during milestone photos in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents hold three month old out in front of them during milestone photos in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents lift up son in the air during studio milestone photos in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Adorable and playful studio milestone portraits for three month old baby photographed by Saratoga Springs children's and family photographer Nicole Starr Photography.

From First Smiles to First Birthdays: Best Baby Portrait Sessions of 2024 in Saratoga Springs

I’m so excited to share another one of my favorite 2024 round ups: milestone and cake smash sessions in my Saratoga Springs studio! There’s so many incredible milestones that happen in the first year of life and it’s such an honor to be the one who captures them for parents. Whether we’re capturing your baby’s milestones or their cake smash session, I aim to create classic and timeless portraits in our all-white studio with minimal purpose so the focus is on your baby. Cake smash setups are a little more elaborate, but capturing your baby’s joy and experience is always most important! 

In the first year, your little one grows and changes so much. At 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, your baby is showing off all of the amazing things they can do! I’ve captured so many sweet toothy grins, a baby enjoying tummy time, and even toddling around the studio. Milestone sessions are a chance for your little one to show off - and a little way to freeze time so you can look back on these fleeting moments for years to come. 

When your baby’s first birthday arrives, it’s time to think about a cake smash!  I create a unique backdrop that reflects your family’s/baby’s interests. This year we had families ask for lots of creative ideas, from the Adirondack Mountains to French Bulldogs! All of our birthday sessions also include classic milestone portraits with our vintage high chair and a wooden cake prop, and of course the bathtub splash at the end! The bubble bath splash always brings out all the smiles!

I love that I get to follow families as their little one grows and capture each of the milestones that happen in the first year. It’s so special to me and it’s a part of my job I will never take for granted. Thank you for another beautiful year of capturing these special milestones!

baby in blue jumpsuit crawls on studio floor: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on bed grabbing toes and laughing in pink lace leotard: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits in white highchair with wooden cake for cake smash: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy in blue overalls leans on white stool in studio: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl lays in white lace outfit on peach blanket during milestone session: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl lays under white blanket on rug during milestone session: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby miles in white onesie: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy lays in knit onesie holding wooden rattle: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl laughs while smashing confetti cake with wooden spoon: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in tan overalls sits in front of mountains and bear backdrop for cake smash: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl stands in white tutu during rose gold cake smash: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
girl in purple dress sits in front of rose and green ONE letters for cake smash: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
girl sits in tub with pointe shoes by tub and ballerina background: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby pulls cake off cake stand with icing all over her face: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby laughs sitting in tub during garden inspired cake smash: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy in overalls sits in front of copper, white, and blue balloon filled ONE letters with cake: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits in tub surrounded by bears and painting of Adirondack mountains after cake smash: inspiration from best baby portrait sessions in 2024 photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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From First Smiles to First Birthdays: Best Baby Portrait Sessions of 2024 in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Six Month Milestone Portraits with Maizey

Maizey is one of our Collective Membership babies! Her family joined so that they could enjoy 4 sessions over an 18 month period, and this was Maizey’s second session! I love our Collective Membership families. It’s so fun to get to know them over those months, and watching their little ones grow. Maizey came in for her 6 month milestone for her second session, and it was a great time with this grinning little girl! 

As you’ve heard me say a million times, this is one of my favorite stages to photograph when babies are smiley, giggly, and starting to sit up on their own. They’re happy on their tummies, they grab at their little toes when on their backs, and they’re proud to be upright (with a parent’s hand nearby for safety!) when practicing their newly acquired sitting skills. Maizey showed off her sitting skills and even got to snuggle with her momma, who looked beautiful in a pastel pink gown! 

For Maizey’s session, we used soft colors - pinks, peaches, and ivory. We even used a few of the same layers from her newborn session to have that cohesiveness across her portraits from the first year. That’s one of my favorite things to do with Collective Membership babies. All of the portraits will hopefully be displayed together in your heirloom album or through your wall art, so using similar colors and vibes across the 4 sessions. 

six month old baby girl sits in pink onesie with pink and white floral headband during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
six month old baby girl lays on white blanket in pink onesie with pink and white floral headband during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
six month old baby girl lays on her back on top of a white blanket in pink onesie with pink and white floral headband during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
six month old baby girl lays on her back on top of a white blanket in pink onesie with pink and white floral headband during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
six month old baby girl sits on wicker bed with peach blanket during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
six month old baby girl lays in romper with lace collar on top of peach blankets for milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
six month old baby girl lays in romper with lace collar on top of peach blankets playing with her toes during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mother in pink dress holds baby girl on her hip during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mother in pink dress holds baby girl on her hip during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mother in pink dress holds baby girl in the air during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Six month milestone portraits for baby girl with pink, cream, and peach accents photographed by Saratoga Springs family and children's photographer Nicole Starr Photography

My favorite stage to photograph: Classic 6 month portraits

I have to be honest with you: 6 month milestone portraits are my favorite milestone to photograph! Around the 6-8 month mark, babies are really coming into their personality and learning all sorts of new and fun tricks. When they come into my studio, they’re able to show off their tummy time, sitting up skills, and oftentimes, some of their first smiles…not to mention, the cutest belly laughs are happening! It’s such a special time and if there’s only one milestone session you plan to schedule within your baby’s first year, I highly recommend it be this one! 

Recently, Cooper came into the studio for his classic 6 month portraits. If you know me, then you know I’m a fan of anything neutral and simple that will keep the focus on your sweet baby during their portraits. Cooper’s mom, Zara, chose the cutest knit outfits for him to wear. I think they were perfect and allowed us to really focus on all of the little faces, squishy details, and smiles he gave us. 

Reflecting back on Cooper’s portraits, I love how his smile and personality shine in these portraits without getting lost in a busy backdrop or too many props. He was the happiest little guy, and I kept telling his mama that I could photograph him every day with that great big smile and soft milky cheeks. This setup and the simple outfits allowed me to document the perfect pieces of him that his parents love so much – like his tiny little toes! As you can see, this studio milestone session was such a joy to capture and I hope that Cooper’s parents will treasure these portraits forever!

6 month old baby lays on stomach in cream knit overalls during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby smiles laying on back in cream knit overalls during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby smiles laying on back in cream knit overalls during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
close up of baby’s chunky legs in cream knit overalls during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom holds 6 month old baby to sit up in cream knit overalls during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby boy smiles in cream colored long sleeve shirt laying on cream blanket during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby boy smiles in cream colored long sleeve shirt laying on cream blanket on tummy during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby boy smiles in cream colored long sleeve shirt laying on cream blanket on tummy during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby boy smiles with blanket on his head laying on his tummy on cream blanket during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby boy sits in cream knit sweater on tiny wooden bed during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby boy lays on belly in cream knit sweater during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby boy lays on belly in cream knit sweater during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby boy lays on back in cream knit sweater during classic milestone portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Classic 6 month portraits for baby boy with neutral palette of cream and ivory photographed in studio by Saratoga Springs NY children's photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Baby Milestone Portraits for Ella Kate

Ella Kate is 7 months old! We did milestone portraits when her big brothers were this age, and as it always goes for the baby of busy families, time flies by and parents remember, “Oh, wait! I forgot to schedule xyz!”. So when her mom reached out and said “Ella is six months already! I think I’d like to do a milestone session and capture this sweet stage!”... I was happy to fit her in right away for a studio session. 

This is such a fun age for milestone portraits. At 6-7 months, babies have some great milestones and things to explore. They grab their toes, roll around, and get to play in our studio. I love playing peekaboo with them so we capture their laughs! One of the other things I love about these milestones is documenting their beautiful finger and elbow dimples. Babies so quickly grow out of this stage, so having portraits of their adorable smile and chunky fingers is special as years go by! 

The best part about these milestone sessions? You literally don’t have to bring a thing, so zero planning was required other than figuring out what time worked best around her nap schedule. Ella borrowed outfits and headbands from the studio, and her mom picked out all of her favorites when she arrived. It was an absolute breeze, completely stress-free. Instead, we just had lots of fun watching this sweet girl and her new skills and budding personality!

6 month old baby girl sits in ivory outfit with flower headband on chunky knit blanket during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with NY children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby girl rolls with legs in the air on chunky knit blanket during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with NY children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby girl rolls with legs in the air on chunky knit blanket during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with NY children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby girl rolls on chunky knit blanket during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with NY children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby girl in white lace onesie sits on wicker bed with peach blankets during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY photographed by NY children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby girl in white lace onesie sits on wicker chair with pink blankets during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY photographed by NY children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
close up of 6 month old baby girl’s foot on wicker chair with pink blankets during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY photographed by NY children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby girl chews on wooden brush in white onesie with ivory sweater during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY photographed by NY children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Six Month Milestone Portraits for Gabriella with Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer

Gabriella is already six months old! I can’t believe this sweet girl is already halfway through her first year. I feel like it was just yesterday that she was here for her newborn portraits. Gaby was so sweet in the studio for her new milestone portraits and I loved the chance to see her and her sister Giuliana again! 

Gaby is a tiny little peanut and was still able to fit into our newborn size outfits! Her big sister was the same at this age, and it’s adorable to see a baby so small and so strong sitting up on her own. There’s something so sweet and yet so powerful about these girls!  

For Gaby’s portraits, we incorporated some of the same elements that big sister Giuliana had in her portraits, too. I love being able to do that with siblings. It’s a wonderful way to create connections between portraits that will be displayed together. For Gaby’s portraits, we used the same Caden Lane personalized blanket from her newborn portraits. We also did another portrait of the sisters with the baby stroller, echoing a similar one that we created during the newborn session six months prior. It was a sweet moment to see again! We also included some of their mom’s bracelets in a few portraits, too. It is so special knowing that we’re creating a new set of heirlooms for Giuliana and her sister! 

It feels like I’m going to blink and Gaby will be back here for her cake smash session. I hope time slows down a little before then! 

six month baby in white onesie sits on wicker bed during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
six month baby in white onesie sits in fluffy white blanket during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
six month baby with peach blanket sits on white floor during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
six month baby in white onesie with peach blanket lays white floor during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
big sister pushes baby sister in wicker stroller during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
six month old baby sits in wicker stroller during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
sisters sit on tan chair with floral garland during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs photographed by Nicole Starr Photography, NY baby photographer
baby girl sits on tan chair with floral garland during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs photographed by Nicole Starr Photography, NY baby photographer
baby girl in white onesie sits on pink fabric with peonies by wooden bowl during six month milestone in Saratoga Springs photographed by NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl lays on custom name blanket during six month milestone in Saratoga Springs photographed by NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl sits in tutu with gold bracelets on bed with white blanket during six month milestone in Saratoga Springs photographed by NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl sits in lily Pulitzer outfit on white wood bed during six month milestone in Saratoga Springs photographed by NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Six month milestone portraits with pink and white details for baby girl with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Light and Airy Motherhood Session in our Saratoga Springs Portrait Studio

Katie and Lucas recently came to the studio for a 6 month milestone portrait for Lucas. Katie is one of my dearest friends. We’ve known each other for years. I love watching her on this motherhood journey and seeing how much joy her sweet boy brings to her life. She truly lights up when she is with him, and her face is absolutely radiant when he smiles at her. And just look at the way he looks at her! I was thrilled when they mentioned visiting - and squeezing in some portraits, too! 

She and Lucas came to visit for a few days and we enjoyed some studio time to celebrate the halfway point of this crazy and wild journey of the first year of parenthood. It was so exciting to see everything Lucas can do now - one of the reasons I LOVE milestone sessions! He absolutely loves tummy time and was even sitting up on his own. 

All dresses and outfits that Katie and Lucas used are from the studio’s Baby Wardrobe and Mama Wardrobe. The light grey overalls and white dress looked perfect together - creating truly light and airy portraits that are so classic. I hope that Katie and Lucas will treasure these portraits for many years to come. 

mother in white lace dress kisses toddler during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs children’s photographer
toddler sits in white and grey striped onesie on cream blanket during milestone session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography
toddler sits on white and grey striped onesie on cream blanket during milestone session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography
mom hugs naked six month hold during light and airy motherhood session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography
toddler lays on white and grey striped onesie on cream blanket during milestone session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography
mom hugs naked six month hold during light and airy motherhood session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography
mom hugs naked six month hold during light and airy motherhood session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography
mom in white dress with lace detailing hugs toddler son on lap sitting on sofa during milestone session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography
mom in white dress with lace detailing hugs toddler son on lap sitting on sofa during milestone session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography
mom in long white dress hugs toddler during light and airy motherhood session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography
mom in long white dress hugs toddler in blue suspenders and button up shirt during light and airy motherhood session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy sits in wooden bowl in blue suspenders and button up shirt during 6 month milestone session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography
mom in long white dress lifts toddler in blue suspenders and button up shirt during light and airy motherhood session in Saratoga Springs portraits studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography

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Light and airy motherhood session for 6 month milestone in Saratoga Springs portrait studio with Nicole Starr Photography, NY children's photographer

Six Month Milestone Portraits for Sofia

Sweet Sofia is 6 months old! I can’t believe this darling girl is already halfway to her first birthday. Her mom brought her by the studio recently for her six-month milestone portraits and I just had so much fun capturing this smily girl. Sofia was super happy for us the entire time, which made our session a blast. Honestly, this is my favorite age to photograph - because their little personalties really come to life!

During Sofia’s session, I felt like I was having a bit of a flashback. Her big sister, Ella, did milestone portraits with me in 2019. We actually used a similar color palette for Sofia, and mom even brought in the same peachy romper for baby sister to wear in one setup! It was so sweet and super special to know these sisters will have matching portraits from this big milestone session!

The rest of the outfits for Sofia were from our studio’s Baby Wardrobe. I loved the white and mauve outfits mom picked out, along with some of my favorite headbands. Sofia seemed to like them too and enjoyed showing off all of her new skills around the studio. Happy 6 months, Sofia!

six month old baby girl crawls on bed in ivory lace dress with headband during studio milestone portraits with Nicole Starr Photography, NY children’s photographer
baby girl in mauve dress sits in woven Moses basket during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in mauve dress sits in woven Moses basket during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in mauve dress plays with white curtain in studio during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in white lace romper lays on peach blanket during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in white lace romper lays on peach blanket playing with toes during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in peach romper sits on wooden bed during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in peach romper sits on white studio floor during six month milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography

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Six month milestone portraits for baby girl in studio with peach and ivory outfits photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family and children's photographer Nicole Starr Photography.

Sitter Session Milestone Portraits in the Studio

‌Capturing milestone portraits might be one of my favorite parts of my job as a children's photographer here in Saratoga Springs! This winter was super busy at the studio with lots of families bringing their babies in for milestone portraits, especially with their second and third babies. All of them turned out to be so simple and classic… none more so than Jordan’s 8 month milestone portraits! 

I’ve actually photographed all three brothers’ milestone sessions, so seeing Jordan and his two big brothers, Jonas and Jacob, all together in the studio was a real treat! Jordan loved showing off his new skill: sitting up! He sat on the studio floor, on the blankets we gave him, and on the bed. It was perfect - and exactly what I want! I want to see what your babies are getting up to when they come in for their milestone portraits! He was so cute playing peek-a-boo and enjoying the little wooden toys in the studio. 

As I do with all of my milestone portraits, I kept the setups super simple so we could focus on Jordan (and his big brothers). Everything was neutral and mom chose some super cute blue outfits for our little guy to wear. The end result is SO timeless. I know these portraits will be cherished in their home for years to come! 

three brothers in grey sweaters sit on white studio floor during milestone session with Saratoga Springs family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy laughs in green knit onesie during sitter session milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy laughs in grey knit onesie crawling on white floor during sitter session milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy sits in grey knit onesie with wooden toys during sitter session milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy sits on wooden bed in blue onesie with blocks during sitter session milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy sits on wooden bed in blue onesie during sitter session milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy hides under white blanket in blue onesie during sitter session milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy lays on white blanket in blue onesie during sitter session milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy sits on bed playing with wooden blocks during sitter session milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy rolls on bed playing with feet during sitter session milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy sits on bed playing with wooden blocks during sitter session milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy rolls on bed playing with feet during sitter session milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits in blue knit onesie holding wooden toys under white curtain during studio milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Sitter session milestone portraits with neutral color scheme in Saratoga Springs NY studio photographed by Nicole Starr Photography

Six Month Milestone Portraits for Baby Luke

Happy 6 months, Luke! Luke, along with his big sisters Nora and Margot, came to the studio recently to document his newest milestones. His big brother, Greyson, wasn’t able to join for this session but we hope to capture a few photos with him next time Luke is in the studio! I just adore the family. They’ve traveled 3 hours to my studio with three of these kiddos to capture their six month milestone portraits, so Luke’s portraits were very special to me.

Luke is Mama’s first baby boy, and she loved going through the studio’s Baby Wardrobe and choosing a few favorites for her son to wear in his portraits. All of these outfits are from the studio! I love how he looked in all of them. They’re all so classic - neutral colors, which I love - and he was so sweet.

Luke was soooooo smiley throughout the whole session. His sisters loved on him with full force and gave him all of the hugs and kisses and cuddles. Then once it was his turn for his individual portraits, his face simply lit up with the biggest smile! In so many of these he is looking off to the side at his mama, and I love the eyes and that sweet smile he has for her. How incredible is that? They’re going to have such special memories looking back at these portraits years from now.

Thank you for sharing another milestone session with me! I’m so happy I got see Baby Luke and his darling big sisters!!

big sisters hug 6 month old baby during milestone portraits in studio photographed by New York children’s photography Nicole Starr Photography
big sister in white dress hugs baby brother in grey onesie during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
big sisters hug and kiss 6 month old baby during milestone portraits in studio photographed by New York children’s photography Nicole Starr Photography
big sister in white dress hugs baby brother in grey onesie during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
big sisters hug and kiss 6 month old baby during milestone portraits in studio photographed by New York children’s photography Nicole Starr Photography
big sister in peach hugs baby brother in grey onesie during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy in grey onesie sits on wooden bed leaning forward holding headboard during milestone portrait session in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy in grey onesie sits on wooden bed leaning forward holding headboard during milestone portrait session in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy laughs in light blue overalls during milestone portrait session in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy sits in light blue overalls sitting in wooden basket with blue blanket during milestone portrait session in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy laughs crawling on floor in overalls on blue blanket during milestone portrait session in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy laughs crawling on floor in overalls under grey blanket on blue blanket during milestone portrait session in Saratoga Springs studio with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby in white onesie crawls on bed in studio during milestone portrait session with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby in white onesie laughs on bed in studio during milestone portrait session with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby in white onesie laughs on bed in studio during milestone portrait session with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby in tan overalls sits on chunky white blanket during milestone portrait session with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby in tan overalls sits on chunky white blanket during milestone portrait session with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby in tan overalls sits on chunky white blanket during milestone portrait session with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby in tan overalls sits on chunky white blanket during milestone portrait session with New York children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Six month milestone portraits for baby boy in studio with classic outfits photographed by Saratoga Springs NY children's photographer Nicole Starr Photography

6 month milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer

I absolutely adore working with Jen and her boys. I’ve photographed all three boys since they were born. Each has had a newborn, milestone and first birthday session in my studio… well, Baby Rhys is only on his milestone session. He’s got another 6 months before he turns one! Either way, I love seeing them in my studio every few months. It’s a great time to catch up on what’s been going on - and I adore watching their boys grow up. They’re all so sweet!

During the milestone sessions, we always update a portrait of the brothers together. This time, since we were close to Halloween, it seemed fitting to do their photo in their costumes. The middle boy’s middle name is Draco, and we’ve always leaned into the dragon theme for his portraits. Naturally, the three boys are dragons for Halloween this year!! They were SO cute and excited to be in their costumes. I loved capturing that fun portrait of them.

three boys pose in dragon costumes during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

It was good to see Rhys, too. I saw him for his newborn portraits 6 months ago. Now, he’s just the most mellow baby and so happy. He made my job easy with lots of easy smiles and sweet big eyes. Mom picked out the cutest little overalls for him. He looked like such a little man! I can’t believe he’ll be back for his one year session before long!

baby rolls on blue blanket during 6 month milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in white pants lays on blue blanket during 6 month milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in blue romper sits in wooden box with grey blanket during 6 month milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in blue romper lays on grey blanket with dinosaur toy during 6 month milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in tan romper smiles on cream blanket during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in tan romper smiles on cream blanket during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
6 month old baby sits in overalls on tan chair during 6 month milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs photographer Nicole Starr Photography
detail photo of toe for 6 month old baby in overalls on tan chair during 6 month milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in overalls on tan chair plays with toes during 6 month milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in overalls on tan chair plays with toes during 6 month milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs photographer Nicole Starr Photography
three boys pose in dragon costumes during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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6 month milestone for baby boy in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Classic studio portraits with family heirloom dresses

Meet Annabelle! This sweet girl came to my studio for milestone portraits to celebrate a few things! First off, she’s 2.5 years old so we wanted to take the time to photograph her at this stage. Toddlers are so much fun. They’re talking, they’ve got sweet personalities and the best laughs and smiles. I’m so happy her mom decided to document this beautiful time in her childhood.

Annabelle’s mom also brought in two very special heirloom dresses for her session! The first was a dress that’s been passed down multiple generations from her grandmother’s Norwegian family. It’s a traditional Norwegian folk dress that Annabelle’s mother wore when she was little, too. For Annabelle’s family, it was important to photograph this sweet girl in her family’s dress. What a beautiful way to celebrate her family’s heritage, special traditions, and clothing. I created the Norwegian folk art backdrop especially for her session to complement the dress.

Her family also lives part of the year in Kenya, so they brought a second dress in to celebrate that part of her life. This beautiful white dress was sent by their neighbors there and Annabelle looked so sweet in it! Again, what a wonderful way to capture what’s going on in her family’s life right now.

We ended the session with a few classic Easter portraits in the studio. Annabelle had fun being her silly self during those - and I love how they came out!! Annabelle’s session is a great reminder that milestone portraits are truly about capturing what matters most to your family.

studio portraits for toddler in classic Norwegian heirloom dress for Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs NY family photographer
studio portraits for toddler in classic red, green, and white Norwegian heirloom dress for Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs NY family photographer
studio portraits for toddler in classic red, green, and white Norwegian heirloom dress by red, blue, and white backdrop for Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs NY family photographer
studio portraits for toddler in classic red, green, and white Norwegian heirloom dress by red, blue, and white backdrop for Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs NY family photographer
toddler sits in Kenyan dress on wooden stool during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler plays in Kenyan dress during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler plays in Kenyan dress during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler sits in Kenyan dress during milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in colorful Easter dress sits by floral arbor in Saratoga Springs NY studio for milestone portraits with Nicole Starr Photography
toddler covers eyes wearing colorful Easter dress sits by floral arbor in Saratoga Springs NY studio for milestone portraits with Nicole Starr Photography
toddler sits in studio wearing colorful Easter dress by floral arbor in Saratoga Springs NY studio for milestone portraits with Nicole Starr Photography

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Beyond the Newborn Session: Capturing the First Year of Milestones

I don’t know what it is about parenthood that makes time fly by, but I know that ever since my son was born, I’ve blinked and another year has gone by. As a mom and a professional photographer, I understand the value of portraits of my child from the newborn stage and beyond. Newborn portraits are one of the things most parents put on their “parenting to-do list”. That first year is fleeting and I think it’s so important that everyone has a chance to document their precious baby. But the documentation shouldn’t end there.

When I was a new mom, I constantly had my camera out to capture every little moment and changes in our son after our newborn portraits. Looking back, I’m so happy that I have truly beautiful and classic baby portraits of my son, in (and out) of the studio to document those stages, too. Every time he started on a new milestone or learned a new skill, I wanted to capture it forever.

baby crawls on pink blanket during studio portraits with milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography in Saratoga Springs New York
baby girl sits in chair with flower headband during milestone photos with family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Our babies change SO much in the first year of life - more than any other year as they grow. They grow their first teeth, laugh for the first time, and learn to sit up, crawl, and walk. Capturing all of those milestones truly matters. We all say we never want to forget those stages and changes - and with studio portraits, you never will. You’ll have those dimpled cheeks and baby giggles documented forever to enjoy.

baby lays on chunky blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girls chews on pearls during milestone photos in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography, NY family photographer
baby lays in blanket during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

As babies grow, they enter into my favorite stage, the “Gerber Baby stage”, when they’re 6-10 months old. This is one of the most popular milestone sessions in my studio. Babies are sitting up solidly, they're happy and expressive, they interact with you and play into all of the games (peekaboo, tickles) to let us capture their amazing smiles. They're not that mobile yet so they're not running away from the camera - so it works out for us. These are often some of the best portraits to capture your little one’s personality as they start to figure out who they are.

baby rolls in chunky white blanket during studio milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY children’s photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits in wicker basket during milestone photos in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
ten month old portraits for baby boy in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits under ivory blanket during studio milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs NY with Nicole Starr Photography
baby crawls through studio during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

After the “Gerber Baby stage”, our babies inch even closer to turning one… and then comes the super popular cake smash session! These cake smash portraits are always a lot of fun. They’re a celebration of your baby - and of your family’s journey over the last year. I love watching babies and their families interact during their one year milestone and cake smash portraits in the studio. It’s also the perfect time to document something your baby is interested in, when you choose your cake smash theme.

baby sits on couch in studio with family photographer Nicole Starr Photography in Saratoga Springs
baby chews on American flag during studio milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby crawls through studio during cake smash in Saratoga Springs with NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler plays during Where the Wild Things Are cake smash in studio with Nicole Starr Photography, Saratoga Springs cake smash photographer
baby plays with cake decorated with blueberries during blue themed cake smash in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
baby cries during cake smash with peonies photographed by Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Capturing your baby’s first year is so important. These studio sessions are the perfect way to document each of your baby’s milestones along the way - and a great way to ensure you’ll always have stunning portraits to remember each sweet baby smile by. Our baby’s first year always flies by… make sure you don’t miss teh chance to document it all!

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Milestone portraits with adorable knitted overalls and rompers

How sweet is Colton? This little guy was just in the studio for his newborn portraits and he recently returned for his 4 month milestone portraits. Because he’s a Baby Plan member, he’ll be doing sessions all year long with me in the studio! We did the same thing for his big sister, Elliana, too. I love when clients return with their new babies and I get to see families again and again! It truly makes my job so special.

Keeping with the colors we chose for Colton’s newborn portraits, he wore blue and green for his milestone portraits. His mom actually brought all of his outfits with them for their session, but if you love the looks, know that we have very similar outfits in our Baby Wardrobe! I absolutely love the look of these knitted rompers and jumpers. They’re so classic and super sweet on these adorable babies.

Baby Colton made my job super easy during his milestone portraits. He was so happy and giggly our entire session! I love the final images they chose for their prints and products - they’re going to look perfect alongside his newborn images!!

baby lays in knitted overalls during studio milestone session with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby rolls on white blanket during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in knitted blue jumper lays on white blanket during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in blue overalls sits in wooden basket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in knitted overalls crawls under white blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in teal green knitted overalls lays on chunky white blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in teal romper lays on chunky white blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby laughs on chunky white blanket during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in green knit jumper sits on white blanket during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in grey knit jumper lays on white bed during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on blue knit blanket during milestone portraits in the studio with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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milestone portraits with adorable knitted overalls and rompers photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Milestone Portraits with Adorable Sisters

I love, love, love milestone sessions! We usually plan these sessions for between months 6-9 when baby is sitting up unassisted or just beginning to crawl, and we always have the happiest babies! This stage is one of my favorites to capture on camera and I love having these smiley babies in the studio showing off their new skills.

Sienna joined me for her 6 month session and we used lots of blush pink and white to coordinate with her newborn portraits and with her big sister’s milestone portraits from a few years ago. These fluffy peonies always photograph so beautifully, and I love them here in these portraits!

toddler lays on studio floor with pink blanket and peonies for classic milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on white studio floor with pink blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl sits in studio with peonies and pink blankets photographed by Saratoga Springs NY milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Big sister Gianna joined in the portrait fun for a few portraits in our floral egg chair. This chair is so beautiful and still so popular, and I can’t quite bring myself to take down the decor on it yet!

girl sits in mauve tutu during milestone photos in studio with Saratoga Springs NY milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography
sisters sit in bohemian egg chair during studio milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on ivory blanket playing with toes during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography

And of course, it wouldn’t be a Nicole Starr milestone session without a white-on-white setup. You all know I love neutrals for baby portraits, and there’s nothing sweeter to showcase a baby’s beauty than a clean and classic setup like this one!

baby plays with toes during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits in basket during milestone photos in studio with Saratoga Springs NY milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Studio milestone portraits for adorable sisters photographed by Saratoga Springs NY milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Milestone Portraits for Baby Jacob - Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer

Sitter sessions. That’s what we call a portrait session when baby is sitting up unassisted. These is one of my favorite stages to capture on camera, and I always adore the happy babies that come to our Saratoga Springs baby portrait studio for their milestone sessions when they are in this stage. They love sitting up, showing off their new skills, and checking out the world around them. They laugh and giggle, they have the biggest smiles when I bring out the rattles or the bubbles, they are curious about everything, and they really are such a joy to capture on camera.

Of course, baby Jacob was 100% all of that, and more!

All of his outfits were from the studio wardrobe, which meant that his mom and dad didn’t need to bring a thing to their session! We chose a bunch of favorites when they arrived and it made it so nice and easy for them not to have to even worry about finding outfits ahead of time because there were a lot of beautiful, neutral options here at the studio.

baby sits on chunky teal blanket during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby crawls on studio floor during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby crawls through studio during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler sits on chunky teal blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby plays with gauze curtain in studio during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy crawls through studio during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on chunky knit blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy plays with toes during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler sits on bed during milestone photos in studio with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in grey overalls plays on white bed during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

I loved this sweet boy’s milestone session, and we even captured a few portraits with his big brother because big brother wasn’t totally feeling the sibling portraits 7 months ago back when we did Jacob’s newborn session and he was still adjusting to his new role as big brother. But you know what? That is soooooo common and it happens often with toddlers when the new baby is brought home. But this time around, big brother Jonas was thrilled to cuddle up with his baby brother and we captured the sweetest moments between the two of them! Some kids need a little time to warm up to their new baby, but once they do it is pure magic that unfolds and I know these two are going to have the strongest bond as they share many adventures together!

Check out Jacob’s newborn session here and see how much he has grown!

brothers sit on bed during milestone photos for baby with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
brother whispers in ear of baby during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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milestone portraits with big brother in studio with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Timeless Milestone Portraits for Baby Xander

baby plays on blue blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Xander joined me at our Saratoga Springs portrait studio for his milestone session, and I loved capturing this sweet stage of sitting up, belly rolls, elbow dimples, and baby giggles. This is one of my favorite ages to photograph and I always love our milestone sessions that showcase your baby’s budding personality and their new skills that they are oh-so-proud of.

Your baby’s first year is an absolute whirlwind — and time seems to go especially fast if it’s your second baby, like Xander is! During these sessions we slow down time for just a moment and document their personality and this beautiful stage they are in.

From sitting up to tummy time, there are so many options with these portraits. They are the perfect transition between the newborn session and the first birthday cake smash, and we personalize the colors to fit your family’s style and decor.

Wondering what your baby should wear for their milestone portraits?

Let me help you!

baby chews on wooden toy sitting on blue blanket during timeless milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits on blue blanket for milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby’s milestone portraits on blue blanket with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby chews on wooden toy during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy plays with wooden toy during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby in grey jumper sits on blue blanket for timeless milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on blue blanket with teething toy during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby laughs on blue blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits on white chunky blanket during timeless studio milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits on white blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Timeless milestone portraits in studio with blue blanket photographed by Saratoga Springs baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

8 Month Milestone Portraits in our Saratoga Springs Baby Photography Studio

Miles joined me at our Saratoga Springs portrait studio for his milestone session, and I loved capturing these portraits of this adorable little guy! He is officially in the sitter stage and it is one of my favorite stages to photograph in baby’s first year —though by the time this blog post is published, he’ll likely be crawling and starting to chase after his big sister!

I love simple neutral outfits for babies, and these gray overalls and white rompers were perfect to keep the focus on Miles and his cute little expressions, baby rolls, and features! He was a happy little guy, and we captured so many sweet portraits of him that really showcase his personality and this stage of babyhood. I’m so happy to got that thumb-sucking portrait where he is grabbing his toes because it is perfectly, 100% baby!

baby boy sits on white chunky blanket for milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby rolls on stomach during milestone session with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby plays in grey jumper during 8 month milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby laughs while laying on white chunky knit blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
milestone portraits on white blanket with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on white blanket during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

These portraits on the chunky knit blanket are some of my FAVORITES! Love the textures and softness of these ones!

6 month old baby plays on back during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sits on bed during milestone photos with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
simple milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

8 month milestone portraits in the studio with Saratoga Springs NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Classic First Birthday Portraits with a Year of Baby Photos

Now this was a fun session! Baby Ari’s mama reached out and wanted to plan an extra special portrait session to celebrate her baby boy’s first birthday, and she was really excited about creating some truly classic and timeless portraits of her little guy. With all of the beautiful neutrals in my Saratoga Springs portrait studio, it’s easy to pull together simple setups that let your baby shine, and we did just that with Ari’s first birthday portraits!

You see the cute little stool he’s sitting on? It’s actually a custom cake stand his mama ordered for his birthday party, and it worked perfectly as a toddler bench!

Classic milestone portrait of baby in blue romper sitting on wooden box photographed by Saratoga Springs NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
classic milestone portraits for baby boy turning one photographed by Saratoga Springs NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
toddler laughs during milestone portraits for first birthday photographed by Saratoga Springs NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
Baby in blue jumper sits on chair in neutral studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy

Instead of a cake smash we compiled a collection of their favorite portraits from the past year and turned them into a truly one-of-a-kind backdrop to celebrate their birthday boy’s first year. I love how he pops against the black & white photographs!

one year old poses in front of black and white photos from first year of life photographed by Saratoga Springs NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
classic first birthday portraits with a year of baby photos photographed by Saratoga Springs NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
baby sits on wooden box in front of black and white photos of first year photographed by Saratoga Springs NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
details from classic first birthday portraits with a year of baby photos photographed by Saratoga Springs NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
baby cries during first birthday portraits photographed by Saratoga Springs NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy

No first birthday portrait session is complete without family portraits! We went to the nearby Saratoga Spa State Park for family portraits, and this little man was on the go! He was just at the brink of walking when we did his session, and it was so much fun to capture on camera!

toddler walks on Saratoga Springs NY street photographed by Saratoga Springs NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
one year milestone portraits in Saratoga Springs photographed by Delmar NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
one year old walks with parents in Saratoga Springs photographed by Delmar NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
family of three walks in New York photographed by Delmar NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
dad lifts one year old during milestone session photographed by Delmar NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
parents hold toddler and smile in New York photographed by Delmar NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
dad poses with son during first year milestone portraits photographed by Delmar NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
mom holds son during New York milestone portraits photographed by Delmar NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy
toddler baby boy walks through New York street with mom photographed by Delmar NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy

Of course, it wouldn’t be 2020 without documenting the reality of our year: masks. For Ari and many babies, masks are just part of their version of “normal” and this will definitely get noted in their baby book. We’re all looking forward to the day when we can see everyone’s WHOLE face when out in public while still feeling safe.

parents pose with baby boy wearing masks during COVID-19 pandemic photographed by Delmar NY baby and milestone photographer Nicole Starr Photography | Albany NY baby photographer, first year session for baby boy

Loved this unique and classic milestone session? Pin this image or any from the post above!

Classic first birthday portraits with a year of black and white baby photos photographed by Delmar NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography

An Outdoor Milestone Session in Congress Park - Saratoga Springs

Elliana is one of our Baby Planners, and she rocked her second milestone session! The last time I saw this sweet girl was for a tummy time milestone session, and now she’s sitting & crawling! We opted for an outdoor portrait session since everything was in bloom for early summer, and Congress Park in Saratoga Springs did not disappoint! I especially love how these purple flowers match her gingham romper perfectly!

And, just because it’s an outdoor session doesn’t mean we can’t bring our little studio props! This handmade wooden bed was perfect for her sitter session!

Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …
Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …
Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …
Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …
Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …

Elliana wore a few outfits from the studio’s Baby Wardrobe. I love the variety that a little change of outfit and a change of scenery in the park gives to her portraits! In this one she had what her mama called “Beyonce hair,” and she rocked it!

Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …
Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …
Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …
Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …
Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …

This next one was everyone’s favorite. What do you think? Pretty cute!

Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …
Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | L…

Love this milestone session? Pin this image or any from the post above!

Outdoor milestone session in Congress Park by Nicole Starr Photography | Saratoga Springs Children’s Photographer | Boston Children’s Photographer | Upstate NY Children’s Photographer | Children’s Photographer  | Delmar NY Children’s Photographer | …